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Last active June 16, 2021 16:42
// Examples of
const arrA = [1, 3, 4, 5];
const arrB = [1, 2, 5, 6, 7];
const intersection = arrA.filter((x) => arrB.includes(x));
console.log('Intersection: ', intersection);
console.log('Expected: [1,5]');
const difference = arrA.filter((x) => !arrB.includes(x));
console.log('\nDifference: ', difference);
console.log('Expected: [3,4]');
const symmetricalDifference = arrA
.filter((x) => !arrB.includes(x))
.concat(arrB.filter((x) => !arrA.includes(x)));
console.log('\nSymmetrical Difference: ', symmetricalDifference);
console.log('Expected: [2,3,4,6,7]');
const union = [ Set([...arrA, ...arrB])];
console.log('\nUnion: ', union);
console.log('Expected: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]');
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