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Created June 10, 2014 21:24
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  • Save mauro3/4274870c64c38aeeb722 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mauro3/4274870c64c38aeeb722 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# This performance regression seems to be fixed now. Maybe one of the many commits of @vtjnash?
# sandbox/performance_regressions>> julia sg.jl # 664cab522c0
# elapsed time: 0.268316893 seconds (14911976 bytes allocated)
# elapsed time: 0.267490744 seconds (14837704 bytes allocated)
# elapsed time: 0.275272316 seconds (14793688 bytes allocated, 3.10% gc time)
# sandbox/performance_regressions>> juliamf sg.jl # around 66cfa99913
# elapsed time: 0.413370651 seconds (14868712 bytes allocated)
# elapsed time: 0.41186328 seconds (14828776 bytes allocated)
# elapsed time: 0.427139988 seconds (14916648 bytes allocated, 1.98% gc time)
# sandbox/performance_regressions>> julia0.2.1 sg.jl
# elapsed time: 0.296622719 seconds (15920432 bytes allocated)
# elapsed time: 0.303510414 seconds (15881312 bytes allocated)
# elapsed time: 0.306049353 seconds (16140896 bytes allocated)
small = 10^3
med = 10^4
large = 10^5
huge = 10^6
n = small
sp = sprand(n, n, 1e-1)
function getindex_I_sorted2{Tv,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, I::Vector, J::AbstractVector)
(m, n) = size(A)
nI = length(I)
nJ = length(J)
colptrA = A.colptr; rowvalA = A.rowval; nzvalA = A.nzval
I_ref = falses(m)
I_ref[I] = true
I_repeat = zeros(Int, m)
for i=1:nI; I_repeat[I[i]] += 1; end
colptrS = Array(Ti, nJ+1)
colptrS[1] = 1
nnzS = 0
# Form the structure of the result and compute space
for j = 1:nJ
col = J[j]
for k = colptrA[col]:colptrA[col+1]-1
rowA = rowvalA[k]
if I_ref[rowA]
for r = 1:I_repeat[rowA]
nnzS += 1
colptrS[j+1] = nnzS+1
# Populate the values in the result
rowvalS = Array(Ti, nnzS)
nzvalS = Array(Tv, nnzS)
ptrS = 1
fI = zeros(Ti, m)
for k=1:nI
Ik = I[k]
if fI[Ik] == 0; fI[Ik] = k; end
for j = 1:nJ
col = J[j]
for k = colptrA[col]:colptrA[col+1]-1
rowA = rowvalA[k]
if I_ref[rowA]
for r = 1:I_repeat[rowA]
rowvalS[ptrS] = fI[rowA] + r - 1
nzvalS[ptrS] = nzvalA[k]
ptrS += 1
return SparseMatrixCSC(nI, nJ, colptrS, rowvalS, nzvalS)
function fcols(sp)
acc = zero(eltype(sp))
for i=rand(1:500, 500)
inds = [20:500+i]
acc += sum(getindex_I_sorted2(sp, [i], inds))
a = fcols(sp)
@time fcols(sp)
@time fcols(sp)
@time fcols(sp)
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