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Last active November 25, 2016 11:50
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MongoDB backup on readonly slaves
You can't simply run a backup on a specific node in a cluster, since its role can change to master and lead to an overload for it.
You need some intelligence to choose the right node (slave) and allow multiple nodes to execute the backup; you want to be safe without
designing a specific node to run it.
This is my approach:
* schedule the script below in any MongoDB host
* the script will exit if it's running on a master
* if it's a slave, it will wait a random interval, check if there's a lock document on the master and if not present perform the backup.
in such a way you are covered from any single node failure
#set -x # for debugging
# Please specify a DB!
#check if it's running on the master
MASTER=$(mongo -u ${DBUSERNAME} -p ${DBPASSWORD} --quiet --eval 'rs.isMaster().ismaster' admin)
if [ "$MASTER" == 'true' ];then
echo running on master quitting
SLEEP=$(shuf -i 0-5 -n 1)
echo running on a slave, sleeping for $SLEEP seconds
sleep $SLEEP
LOCK=$(echo -e "use $DB\n rs.slaveOk()\n db.lock.find({\"status\":\"bck created\"})\n" |mongo -u ${DBUSERNAME} -p ${DBPASSWORD} --quiet admin)
if [ "$LOCK" == "switched to db $DB" ];then
echo "backing up!"
# find master ip
IP=$(mongo -u ${DBUSERNAME} -p ${DBPASSWORD} --quiet --eval 'db.isMaster().primary' admin)
echo informing master $IP, this node will hold the lock
# all slaves are read-only, so we connect to master to acquire the lock :)
echo -e "use $DB\n db.lock.insert( {\"createdAt\": new Date(),\"host\": hostname(),\"status\":\"bck created\"})\n" | mongo -u ${DBUSERNAME} -p ${DBPASSWORD} --host=${IP} --quiet admin
#decide a directory to save
mongodump -u ${DBUSERNAME} -p ${DBPASSWORD} -d ${DB} --authenticationDatabase=admin
# connect to master to remove the lock :)
echo -e "use $DB\n db.lock.remove({\"status\":\"bck created\"})" | mongo -u ${DBUSERNAME} -p ${DBPASSWORD} --host=${IP} --quiet admin
echo "another node is backing up:"
echo $LOCK
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