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Forked from roytanck/autoautoptimize.php
Last active March 5, 2017 16:36
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Auto-configure Autoptimize across a WordPress network
* Plugin Name: RT Autoautoptimize
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Automatically configures default settings for the Autoptimize plugin across a WordPress network
* Version: 0.9
* Author: Roy Tanck
* Author URI:
* License: GPL2
* Auto-configure Autoptimize if not already configured
if( !function_exists( 'rt_autoautoptimize' ) ){
function rt_autoautoptimize(){
// do nothing if we're in the admin
if( is_admin() ){
// check if the plugin is already configured
$installed = get_option( 'autoptimize_configured', 'no' );
if( $installed == 'no' ){
// default Autoptimize settings for plugin version 1.9.4
$defaults = array(
'autoptimize_version' => '2.1.0',
'autoptimize_html' => 'on',
'autoptimize_html_keepcomments' => 'on',
'autoptimize_js' => 'on',
'autoptimize_js_exclude' => 's_sid,smowtion_size,sc_project,WAU_,wau_add,comment-form-quicktags,edToolbar,ch_client,seal.js',
'autoptimize_js_trycatch' => '',
'autoptimize_js_justhead' => '',
'autoptimize_js_forcehead' => '',
'autoptimize_js_include_inline' => '',
'autoptimize_css' => 'on',
'autoptimize_css_exclude' => 'admin-bar.min.css, dashicons.min.css',
'autoptimize_css_justhead' => '',
'autoptimize_css_datauris' => '',
'autoptimize_css_defer' => '',
'autoptimize_css_defer_inline' => '',
'autoptimize_css_inline' => '',
'autoptimize_cdn_url' => '',
'autoptimize_cache_clean' => '0',
'autoptimize_cache_nogzip' => 'on',
'autoptimize_show_adv' => '0',
'autoptimize_configured' => 'yes'
// loop through the defaults array, and update each option with the corresponding value
foreach( $defaults as $key=>$value ){
update_option( $key, $value );
// log this to the error log
error_log('autoautoptimize done');
// hook into init
add_action( 'init', 'rt_autoautoptimize' );
* Apply the default configuration to newly created sites
if( !function_exists('rt_autoautoptimize_newblog') ){
function rt_autoautoptimize_newblog( $blog_id, $user_id, $domain, $path, $site_id, $meta ){
if( !empty( $blog_id ) && function_exists('rt_autoautoptimize') ){
// apply the auto-configuration
add_action( 'wpmu_new_blog', 'rt_autoautoptimize_newblog', 10, 6 );
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