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Last active March 17, 2024 22:03
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"Rust = Future<C++>" overview

Rust = Future<C++>

In this channel I introduce Rust for people who know C++ already. The videos are supposed to be short and cover only a single topic. Each video comes with a github gist, which contains all the code and commands for copy/paste, such that you can easily try out things. Furthermore, there are links to the excellent Rust documentation.

This is still work in progress. As you can see in the table below, I have some concrete plans for further videos and some less concrete ones, which are not yet reflected in the table below. However, this is only a side project, and I cannot hope to deliver one video per day. Let's see what I can manage. Subscribe to the YouTube channel to see newly arrived videos. If you have suggestions for other topics, just post a comment to one of these videos.

Have fun!

Overview over the episodes:

Number Title Video Gist
0. Why these videos? Video Gist
1. Getting started Video Gist
2. Functions Video Gist
3. Basic Data Types Video Gist
4. Strings and Slices Video Gist
5. Tuples and Arrays Video Gist
6. Structs and Methods Video Gist
7. Vectors Video Gist
8. HashMaps Video Gist
9. Enums and Matching Video Gist
10. Control Structures Video Gist
11. Modules/Visibility Video Gist
12. Formatting Video Gist
13. Cargo Video Gist
14. rust-analyzer Video Gist
15. String manipulation Video Gist
16. Traits Video Gist
17. File I/O Video Gist
18. JSON and serde Video Gist
19. Environment Video Gist
20. Match&Destructuring Video Gist
21. Async fns and tokio Video Gist
22. Smart pointers Video Gist
23. Copy,Clone,Send,Sync Video Gist
24. An HTTP Server I Video Gist
25. An HTTP Client Video Gist
26. An HTTP Server II Video Gist
27. Testing Video Gist
28. Docs: rustdoc
29. Containers overview
30. Closures
31. Templates/Generics
32. Threads
33. Subprocesses
34. Numbers/Strings
35. Date and Time
36. Livetimes
... ... ... ...
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