As parabol user:
cd ~/parabol
git checkout <tag>
Apply the patch in ~/diff-reflection-disable manually
check .env for versions
yarn update-schema
yarn build
yarn db:migrate (must print migrations)
As root:
cp -r /home/parabol/parabol/build/* /var/www/parabol/build/v5.30.0/ && chown www-data:www-data -R /var/www/parabol
cp -r /home/parabol/parabol/static/images/* /var/www/parabol/build/v5.30.0/static/ && chown www-data:www-data -R /var/www/parabol
As parabol user:
test using yarn start
Hello @maxammann, thank you for sharing the information. I am trying to set up Parabol myself. Could you elaborate on the "diff-reflection-disable" patch? Or maybe the instructions are anyway not up to date anymore?
It looks we are not alone to have difficulties setting it up: ParabolInc/parabol#6724