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Created December 6, 2013 09:05
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(definterface INode
(getCar [])
(getCdr [])
(setCar [x])
(setCdr [x]))
(deftype Node
[^:volatile-mutable car ^:volatile-mutable cdr]
(getCar [_] car)
(getCdr [_] cdr)
(setCar [this x] (set! car x) this)
(setCdr [this x] (set! cdr x) this)
(seq [this] (list this car cdr)))
(definterface ILinkedList
(getHead []))
(deftype LinkedList
[^:volatile-mutable head]
(getHead [_] head)
(cons [this x] (set! head (Node. x head)) this)
(seq [this]
(loop [cur head acc ()]
(if-not cur
(recur (.getCdr cur) (concat acc (list (seq cur)))))))
(first [_] [head (.getCar head) (.getCdr head)])
(next [this] (drop 1 this))
(more [this] (if-let [n (next this)] n ()))
(rseq [this]
(loop [new-head nil cur head nex (.getCdr cur)]
(if-not cur
(do (set! head new-head) this)
(do (.setCdr cur new-head) (recur cur nex (if nex (.getCdr nex))))))))
(defn linked-list [& [cars]]
(let [ll (LinkedList. (Node. (first cars) nil))]
(reduce conj ll (rest cars))))
(definterface IHashTable
(maybeResize [])
(setOccupancy [dir])
(nodeKey [n])
(nodeVal [n])
(bucketIdx [k])
(getBucket [k])
(setBucket [k v])
(get [k])
(set [k v]))
(deftype HashTable
[^:volatile-mutable buckets
^:volatile-mutable occupancy
^:volatile-mutable size
(maybeResize [this]
(when (> (/ size occupancy) load-factor)
(let [new-size (* size 2)
old-buckets buckets
new-buckets (make-array LinkedList new-size)]
(set! size new-size)
(set! buckets new-buckets)
(let [kvs (mapcat (fn [i]
(let [bucket (aget old-buckets i)]
(doseq [n bucket]
[(.nodeKey this n) (.nodeVal this n)])))
(range (alength old-buckets)))]
(doseq [[k v] kvs] (.set this k v))))))
(setOccupancy [this dir]
(when (= :inc dir)
(set! occupancy (inc occupancy)))
(.maybeResize this))
(nodeKey [_ n] (-> n first second first))
(nodeVal [_ n] (-> n first second second))
(bucketIdx [_ k] (mod (hash k) size))
(getBucket [this k] (aget buckets (.bucketIdx this k)))
(setBucket [this k v]
(.setOccupancy this :inc)
(aset buckets (.bucketIdx this k) v))
(get [this k]
(let [bucket (.getBucket this k)]
(loop [head (first bucket) more (next bucket)]
(if (or (not head) (= (.nodeKey this head) k))
(.nodeVal this head)
(recur (first more) (next more))))))
(set [this k v]
(if-let [bucket (.getBucket this k)]
(loop [head (first bucket) more (next bucket)]
(not head) (.setBucket this k (conj bucket [k v]))
(= (.nodeKey this head) k) (.setCar (first head) [k v])
:else (recur (first more) (next more))))
(.setBucket this k (linked-list [[k v]])))
(defn hash-table [& [size load-factor]]
(let [size (or size 16)
load-factor (or load-factor 7/10)]
(HashTable. (make-array LinkedList size) 0 size load-factor)))
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