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Last active January 1, 2016 08:19
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(ns brander.core
(:require [ :as io]
[ :refer [sh]]
[clojure.string :as string]))
(def words
(with-open [r (io/reader "/usr/share/dict/words")]
(doall (map (comp string/lower-case string/trim) (line-seq r))))))
(def ascii (for [n (range 97 123)] (char n)))
(defn ascii? [s] (every? (set ascii) s))
(def words (filter ascii? words))
(def words (for [w words] (str "^" w "$")))
(defn update-inc [d ks] (update-in d ks (fn [n] (inc (or n 0)))))
(defn word->grams
[grams-map word n]
(let [grams (partition n 1 word)]
(loop [gram (first grams) more (next grams) grams-map grams-map]
(if more
(recur (first more)
(next more)
(update-inc grams-map [gram (first more)]))
(defn words->grams
[words n]
(reduce (fn [grams-map word]
(if (>= (count word) n)
(let [grams-map (update-inc grams-map ["" (take n word)])]
(word->grams grams-map word n))
(word->grams grams-map word n)))
{} words))
(defn map-vals [f m] (into {} (for [[k v] m] [k (f v)])))
(defn update-vals
(let [sum (reduce + (vals m))]
(map-vals #(/ % sum) m)))
(defn normalized [grams] (map-vals update-vals grams))
(defn sample
(loop [more gram-map cdf 0 sam (rand)]
(let [[gram weight] (first more)
cdf (-> weight (or 0) (+ cdf))]
(not more) (-> gram-map keys rand-nth)
(>= cdf sam) gram
:else (recur (next more) cdf sam)))))
(defn multi-word
[word grams]
(if (and (-> (last word) (= \$)) (> (rand) 7/10) (< (count word) 8))
(sample (get grams ""))
(defn get-grams [n] (-> words (words->grams n) normalized))
(def get-grams-memo (memoize get-grams))
(defn gen-word
(let [grams (get-grams-memo n)]
(loop [word (sample (get grams ""))]
(if (-> (last word) (not= \$))
(let [gram (take-last n word)]
(if-let [gram (get grams gram)]
(recur (concat word (->> gram sample (take-last 1))))
(recur word)))
(string/replace (apply str (multi-word word grams)) #"\^|\$" "")))))
(defn available?
(boolean (re-find #"No match for" (:out (sh "whois" domain)))))
(defn find-domains
[& [n]]
(while true
(let [word (repeat 3 (gen-word (or n 4)))
domain (-> (sort-by count word) first (str ".com"))]
(if (available? domain)
(prn (str domain " <-- Available"))
(prn domain)))))
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