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Created February 1, 2014 18:44
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(definterface INode
(getNext [])
(setNext [n])
(getPrev [])
(setPrev [n]))
(deftype Node
^:unsynchronized-mutable prev
^:unsynchronized-mutable next]
(getNext [_] next)
(setNext [_ n] (set! next n))
(getPrev [_] prev)
(setPrev [_ p] (set! prev p)))
(definterface IQueue
(pop [])
(push [v]))
(deftype Queue
[^:unsynchronized-mutable ^INode head
^:unsynchronized-mutable ^INode tail]
(pop [_]
(when-let [n tail]
(let [prev (.getPrev n)]
(set! tail prev)
(when (= n head)
(set! head prev))
(.data n))))
(push [_ v]
(if-not head
(let [n (Node. v nil nil)]
(set! head n)
(set! tail n))
(let [n head n' (Node. v nil n)]
(.setPrev n n')
(set! head n')))))
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