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Last active April 25, 2024 10:30
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(ns datastructures.queue
(:refer-clojure :exclude [compare-and-set! pop])
(:import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference))
(defn- compare-and-set! [^AtomicReference aref oldval newval]
(or (.compareAndSet aref oldval newval)
(throw (RuntimeException. ::loop))))
(defmacro with-contention
[& body]
`(loop [ret# ::loop]
(if (= ret# ::loop)
(do (Thread/sleep (rand-int 10))
(recur (try ~@body (catch Exception e# ::loop))))
(definterface INode
(setNext [v]))
;; Doubly-linked list.
(deftype Node
;; AtomicReference, containing the `Node` to the previous link in the list
^AtomicReference prev-ref
;; unsynchronized! mutable field, AtomiceReference, containing the `Node` to
;; the next link in the list
^:unsynchronized-mutable ^AtomicReference next]
(setNext [_ n] (set! next n)))
(defprotocol IQueue
(pop [_])
(push [_ v]))
(deftype Queue
[;; The current head of the queue, an AtomicReference, containing a `Node`
^AtomicReference head-ref
;; The current tail of the queue, an AtomicReference, containing a `Node`
^AtomicReference tail-ref]
(pop [_]
;; Acquire current tail `Node`
(when-let [^INode tail (.get tail-ref)]
;; Acquire prev `Node`, head `Node`, tail `Node`'s value
(let [tail' (.get (.prev-ref tail))
head (.get head-ref)
v (.data tail)]
;; 1. If the tail and the head are the same, reset head to nil if
;; and only if the acquired head matches the current head.
(when (identical? tail head)
(compare-and-set! head-ref head nil))
;; 2. If and only if the current tail matches the acquired tail, set
;; the tail to tail', i.e. the previous node from the tail.
(compare-and-set! tail-ref tail tail')
;; To prevent dangling pointers, we reset the next pointer. In this
;; way, the GC can do its thing and clean up dead nodes.
(.setNext tail nil)
(push [_ v]
;; Acquire head `Node`, setup a new, candidate `Node`, to be pushed onto
;; the queue
(let [head (.get head-ref)
head' (Node. v (AtomicReference. nil) head)]
;; If we have a head, the queue is not empty...
(if head
;; 1. Using the previous reference of the acquired head, if and
;; only if it is nil, speculatively set it to head', i.e. the
;; candidate–this may seem slightly confusing at first pass,
;; but importantly, is safe in the event of a failure in step
;; two, because the head-ref will remain intact.
(compare-and-set! (.prev-ref head) nil head')
;; 2. If and only if the current head is equal to the acquired
;; head, set the head-ref to the candidate.
(compare-and-set! head-ref head head'))
;; 1. If and only if the current head is equal to the acquired
;; head, set it to the candidate. Finally, set the tail as well.
(compare-and-set! head-ref head head')
(.set tail-ref head')))
(defn queue [] (Queue. (AtomicReference. nil) (AtomicReference. nil)))
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