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Created March 21, 2014 02:42
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(def gt? (comp pos? compare))
(def lt? (comp neg? compare))
(definterface INode
(getLeft [])
(getRight [])
(setLeft [n])
(setRight [n])
(getKey [])
(setKey [k])
(getVal [])
(setVal [v])
(insert [k v])
(lookup [k])
(delete [k])
(delete [k n])
(inOrder []))
(deftype Node
[^:volatile-mutable key
^:volatile-mutable val
^:volatile-mutable ^INode left
^:volatile-mutable ^INode right]
(getLeft [_] left)
(getRight [_] right)
(setLeft [_ n] (set! left n))
(setRight [_ n] (set! right n))
(getKey [_] key)
(setKey [_ k] (set! key k))
(getVal [_] val)
(setVal [_ v] (set! val v))
(insert [this k v]
;; establish a new node for insertion
(let [n (Node. k v nil nil)]
;; the inserted key `k` is larger than the root node's key
(gt? k key) (if right ;; if we have a right node...
(.insert right k v) ;; recurse, otherwise...
(set! right n)) ;; set the right node to `n`
;; the inserted key `k` is less than the root node's key
(lt? k key) (if left
(.insert left k v)
(set! left n)))))
(lookup [this k]
;; check if the current root node's key matches our search key `k`
(if (= k key)
;; if we have both a non-nil right node and `k` is greater than key
(and (gt? k key) right) (.lookup right k)
;; if we have both a non-nil left node and `k` is less than key
(and (lt? k key) left) (.lookup left k))))
(inOrder [_]
;; if there is a left node, call inOrder with it as the root
(when left
(.inOrder left))
;; wrap the root's value with a vector
(vector val)
;; if there is a right node, call inOrder with it as the root
(when right
(.inOrder right))))
(delete [this k]
(.delete this k nil))
(delete [this k parent]
(letfn [;; a closure to help us set nodes on the parent node
(set-on-parent [n]
(if (identical? (.getLeft parent) this)
(.setLeft parent n)
(.setRight parent n)))
;; a function that finds the larget node in the left subtree
(largest [n]
(let [right (.getRight n)]
(when (.getRight right)
(largest right))
;; if we have the target key, we fall into one of three condtions
(if (= k key)
;; 1. two children, the most complex case: here we want to find
;; either the in-order predecessor or successor node and replace
;; the deleted node's value with its value, then clean it up
(and left right) (let [pred (largest (.getLeft this))]
;; replace the target deletion node with its
;; predecessor
(.setKey this (.getKey pred))
(.setVal this (.getVal pred))
;; set the deletion key on the predecessor and
;; delete it as a simpler case
(.setKey pred k)
(.delete this k))
;; 2. no children, so we can simply remove the node
(and (not left) (not right)) (set-on-parent nil)
;; 3. one child, so we can simply replace the old node with it
:else (set-on-parent (or left right)))
;; otherwise we recurse, much like `lookup`
;; if we have both a non-nil right node and `k` is greater than key
(and (gt? k key) right) (.delete right k this)
;; if we have both a non-nil left node and `k` is less than key
(and (lt? k key) left) (.delete left k this))))))
(defn bst [& [k v]] (Node. k v nil nil))
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