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Last active September 8, 2020 07:31
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Cave Generator using Cellular Automata.
//How it works: automaton()->prep_fields()->place_seeds()->four_five()->flood_fill()->automaton() -> done.
// v ^
// count_neighbors()
//How its used: Cave myCave(160, 40);
// myCave.automaton();
//The completed cave is then available as myCave.layout;
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <queue>
#include <tuple>
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>
//need this hash to be able to use Point with std::unordered_map.
//which is used during the flood_fill stage.
struct hashZ {
std::size_t operator()(const Point pt) const {
std::size_t x = std::hash<int>()(pt.x);
std::size_t y = std::hash<int>()(pt.y >> 4);
return x^y;
//Cant do much of anything procedurally
//without one of these... ;)
int getrand(int min, int max)
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distrib(min, max);
return distrib(gen);
//easier than typing out -v- that a bunch of times.
typedef std::vector<std::vector<Point>> field;
typedef unsinged long color_t;
typedef struct Point {
int x, y;
bool blocks;
color_t color;
bool operator==(const Point& other) const {
return x == other.x && y == other.y;
bool operator!=(const Point& other) const {
return x != other.x || y != other.y;
bool operator < (const Point& other) const {
return std::tie(x,y) < std::tie(other.x,other.y);
bool operator > (const Point& other) const {
return std::tie(x,y) > std::tie(other.x, other.y);
Point operator=(Point other) {
x = other.x;
y = other.y;
s = other.s;
color = other.color;
blocks = other.blocks;
return *this;
} Point;
class Cave {
int mapW;
int mapH;
std::array<Point, 8> cdir;
field layout;
field temp;
void prep_fields();
void automaton();
int count_neightbors(Point p, field working);
field flood_fill(field working);
field place_seed(field seed);
field four_five(field working);
Cave(int mw, int mh);
Cave::Cave(int mw, int mh)
int x,y;
this->mapW = mw;
this->mapH = mh;
layout.resize(mw, std::vector<Point>(mh));
temp.resize(mw, std::vector<Point>(mh));
cdir[0] = {0,-1}; cdir[1] = {0,1};
cdir[2] ={-1,1}; cdir[3] = {1,-1};
cdir[4] = {1,0}; cdir[5] = {-1,0};
cdir[6] = {-1,-1}; cdir[7] = {1,1};
field Cave::place_seed(field seed)
std::list<Point> automaton;
int minX = 3;
int maxX = mapW - 2;
int minY = 3;
int maxY = mapH-2;
double area = ((mapW -2) - 4) * ((mapH-2) - 3);
double to_fill = area * .45;
int accepted = 0;
int x, y;
Point perhaps;
while (accepted < to_fill)
x = getrand(minX, maxX);
y = getrand(minY, maxY);
perhaps = {x,y};
if (automaton.size() < 1)
seed[x][y].blocks = true;
} else if (std::find(automaton.begin(), automaton.end(), perhaps) == automaton.end()) {
seed[x][y].blocks = true;
} else {
x = getrand(minX, maxX);
y = getrand(minY, maxY);
perhaps = {x,y};
} while (std::find(automaton.begin(), automaton.end(), perhaps) != automaton.end());
seed[x][y].blocks = true;
return seed;
field Cave::four_five(field working)
int p;
color_t dirt;
color_t stone;
int x, y, t;
Point current;
std::unordered_map<Point, bool, hashZ> wall;
for (x = 3; x < mapW-2; x++)
for (y = 3; y < mapH - 2; y++)
t = count_neightbors(working[x][y], working);
if (working[x][y].blocks && t >= 4)
wall[working[x][y]] = true;
terminal_print(x,y, "#");
} else if (!working[x][y].blocks && t >= 5) {
wall[working[x][y]] = true;
terminal_print(x,y, "#");
} else {
wall[working[x][y]] = false;
terminal_print(x,y, " ");
for (auto cell : wall)
if (cell.second == true)
working[cell.first.x][cell.first.y].blocks = true;
} else {
working[cell.first.x][cell.first.y].blocks = false;
return working;
//This function returns the number of cells which
//are blocking, for use in the four_five() function
int Cave::count_neightbors(Point p, field working)
int neighbors = 0;
Point test;
for (auto d : cdir)
test = {p.x + d.x, p.y + d.y};
if (working[test.x][test.y].blocks)
return neighbors;
//this isnt neccessary, it just makes a nice border
//around the caves.
void Cave::prep_fields()
int x, y, i;
for (x = 0; x < mapW; x++)
for (y = 0; y < mapH; y++)
temp[x][y].blocks = true;
temp[x][y].populated = false;
temp[x][y].x = x;
temp[x][y].y = y;
for (x = 3; x < mapW-2; x++)
for (y = 2; y < mapH - 2; y++)
temp[x][y].blocks = false;
temp[x][y].x = x;
temp[x][y].y = y;
//This function controls the whole show
void Cave::automaton()
int i, x, y, p;
color_t stone;
color_t dirt;
std::cout<<"Prepping Fields\n";
std::cout<<"Setting Seed\n";
temp = place_seed(temp);
std::cout<<"Automaton: ";
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
std::cout<<i<<" ";
temp = four_five(temp);
std::cout<<"\n Automota Done. Beginning flood fill...\n";
temp = flood_fill(temp);
std::cout<<"Flood Fill Done, Beginning colorizing...\n";
for (x = 0; x < mapW; x++)
for (y = 0; y < mapH; y++)
layout[x][y] = temp[x][y];
if (layout[x][y].blocks)
p = getrand(1,4);
switch (p)
case 1: stone = 0xFF60676b; break;
case 2: stone = 0xFF888CAD; break;
case 3: stone = 0xFFA9A9A9; break;
case 4: stone = 0xFFAC7954; break;
layout[x][y].blocks = stone;
} else {
p = getrand(1,4);
switch (p)
case 1: dirt = 0xFFDEB887; break;
case 2: dirt = 0xFFF4A460; break;
case 3: dirt = 0xFFA0522D; break;
case 4: dirt = 0xFFF4A460; break;
layout[x][y].color = dirt;
std::cout<<"Map Ready.\n";
//This a a Basic Beadth first search flood fill
//which starts from multiple points. This ensures
//that there are no unreachable areas of the Cave.
field Cave::flood_fill(field working)
Point current, next, visiting;
std::queue<Point> frontier;
std::vector<std::vector<bool>> seen;
seen.resize(mapW, std::vector<bool>(mapH));
for (auto sb : seen)
for (auto bs : sb)
bs = false;
for (auto i = 0; i <5 ; i++)
current = {getrand(3,mapW-3), getrand(4,mapH-4)};
} while (working[current.x][current.y].blocks);
seen[current.x][current.y] = true;
while (!frontier.empty())
visiting = frontier.front();
for (auto d : cdir)
next = {d.x + visiting.x, d.y + visiting.y};
if (seen[next.x][next.y] == false && working[next.x][next.y].blocks == false)
seen[next.x][next.y] = true;
int x,y;
for (x = 0; x < mapW; x++)
for (y = 0; y < mapH; y++)
if (!seen[x][y] && !working[x][y].blocks)
working[x][y].blocks = true;
return working;
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