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Functional generic builder
// NOTE: Depends on Modifications.swift
// NOTE: Depends on BuildBlocks.swift
// NOTE: Depends on FunctionalKeyPath
import Foundation
public struct Builder<Object> {
private var _build: () -> Object
public func build() -> Object { _build() }
public init(_ initialValue: Object) { self._build = { initialValue } }
public func setIf<Value>(_ condition: Bool, _ keyPath: WritableKeyPath<Object, Value>, _ value: @autoclosure () -> Value) -> Self {
if condition { return self.set(keyPath, value()) }
else { return self }
public func setIf(_ condition: Bool, _ transform: @escaping (inout Object) -> Void) -> Self {
if condition { return self.set(transform) }
else { return self }
public func set<Value>(_ keyPath: WritableKeyPath<Object, Value>, _ value: Value) -> Self {
self.set { object in
object[keyPath: keyPath] = value
public func set(_ transform: @escaping (inout Object) -> Void) -> Self {
modification(of: self) { _self in
_self._build = {
modification(of: build(), with: transform)
public subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: WritableKeyPath<Object, T>) -> CallableBuildBlock<T> {
base: BuildBlock(
builder: self,
keyPath: .init(keyPath)
public subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Object, T>) -> CallableBuildBlock<T>
where T: AnyObject {
base: BuildBlock(
builder: self,
keyPath: .init(keyPath)
public subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<Object, T>) -> BuildBlock<T>
where T: AnyObject {
builder: self,
keyPath: FunctionalKeyPath(
embed: { value, root in root },
extract: { root in root[keyPath: keyPath] }
public protocol BuilderProvider {}
extension BuilderProvider {
public var builder: Builder<Self> { .init(self) }
extension NSObject: BuilderProvider {}
// NOTE: Depends on Modifications.swift
// NOTE: Depends on FunctionalKeyPath
extension Builder {
public struct CallableBuildBlock<Value> {
var base: BuildBlock<Value>
public func callAsFunction(_ value: Value) -> Builder<Object> {
base.builder.set { object in
object = base.keyPath.embed(value, in: object)
public subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Value, T>) -> CallableBuildBlock<T>
where Value: AnyObject { base[dynamicMember: keyPath] }
public subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: WritableKeyPath<Value, T>) -> CallableBuildBlock<T> {
base[dynamicMember: keyPath]
public subscript<U, T>(dynamicMember keyPath: WritableKeyPath<U, T>) -> CallableBuildBlock<T?>
where Value == Optional<U> { base[dynamicMember: keyPath] }
public subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<Object, T>) -> BuildBlock<T>
where T: AnyObject { base[dynamicMember: keyPath] }
public struct BuildBlock<Value> {
internal init(builder: Builder<Object>, keyPath: FunctionalKeyPath<Object, Value>) {
self.builder = builder
self.keyPath = keyPath
var builder: Builder<Object>
var keyPath: FunctionalKeyPath<Object, Value>
public subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Value, T>) -> CallableBuildBlock<T>
where Value: AnyObject {
base: BuildBlock<T>(
builder: builder,
keyPath: self.keyPath.appending(
path: FunctionalKeyPath<Value, T>(keyPath)
public subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: WritableKeyPath<Value, T>) -> CallableBuildBlock<T> {
base: BuildBlock<T>(
builder: builder,
keyPath: self.keyPath.appending(
path: FunctionalKeyPath<Value, T>(keyPath)
public subscript<U, T>(dynamicMember keyPath: WritableKeyPath<U, T>) -> CallableBuildBlock<T?>
where Value == Optional<U> {
base: BuildBlock<T?>(
builder: builder,
keyPath: self.keyPath.appending(
path: FunctionalKeyPath<U?, T?>(
embed: { value, root in
modification(of: root) { root in { root?[keyPath: keyPath] = $0 }
extract: { root in
root?[keyPath: keyPath]
public subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<Object, T>) -> BuildBlock<T>
where T: AnyObject {
builder: builder,
keyPath: .init(
embed: { value, root in root },
extract: { root in root[keyPath: keyPath] }
public func modification<Object>(
of object: Object,
transform: (inout Object) throws -> Void
) rethrows -> Object {
var object = object
try transform(&object)
return object
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maximkrouk commented Mar 25, 2020



struct Test {
    var title: String = ""
    var description: String = ""
    var date: Date = .init()
    var action: () -> Void = {}

func makeSecretTest() -> Test {
        .title( "Secret test")
        .description("Nobody should know")
        .action { print("secret action") }

let label = UILabel().builder

// only for reference types

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