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Last active February 4, 2019 21:24
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Responsive SASS: Chain media queries and coordinate named breakpoints
// Created by Max Luster (@maxluster)
// Usage instructions at
// Requires SASS >= 3.3
// Enhanced by Breakpoint 2.4.x and Compass 1.0 (alpha)
// For SASS 3.2.x support, use
// Provides a simplified syntax for chaining media queries across named or numeric breakpoints
@mixin responsive($properties, $default-value, $responsive-values){
// No named breakpoints by default
$named-breakpoints: () !default;
// Apply default property values
@each $property in $properties{
#{$property}: #{$default-value};
@each $breakpoint, $value in $responsive-values{
// Get named breakpoint values
@if type-of($breakpoint) == string{
@if(map-has-key($named-breakpoints, $breakpoint)){
$breakpoint: map-get($named-breakpoints, $breakpoint);
@warn "Couldn't find named breakpoint: " + $breakpoint;
// Use Breakpoint if it exists
@if mixin-exists("breakpoint"){
// Apply at breakpoint
@include breakpoint($breakpoint) {
@each $property in $properties{
#{$property}: #{$value};
// Fallback to min-width media queries
@media screen and (min-width: $breakpoint) {
@each $property in $properties{
#{$property}: #{$value};
// Extras!
// Use $named-breakpoints with block-style media queries
@mixin named-breakpoint($breakpoint){
@if type-of($breakpoint) == string{
@if(map-has-key($named-breakpoints, $breakpoint)){
$breakpoint: map-get($named-breakpoints, $breakpoint);
@if mixin-exists("breakpoint"){
@include breakpoint($breakpoint){
@media screen and (min-width: $breakpoint) {
@warn "Couldn't find named breakpoint: " + $breakpoint;
// Create a scope for a local set of named breakpoints
@mixin with-named-breakpoints($context-breakpoints){
$old: $named-breakpoints;
$named-breakpoints: map-merge($named-breakpoints, $context-breakpoints) !global;
$named-breakpoints: $old !global;
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Thanks! This gist and its accompanying post came really handy. It's unbelievable that practical solutions like this one aren't the norm today...

I wrote a small function to automatically scale a value for each width in the $named-breakpoints map given a base width.

@include responsive("font-size", $base-font-size + px, resp-scale($base-width, $base-font-size));

The cool thing is that if your typography settings are all in rem then the above @include is all you need to scale everything to any width!

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ghost commented Sep 19, 2014

Have someone got this to work with libsass? i'm getting:
[gulp-sass] source string:40: error: error reading values after 600px

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