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Last active February 18, 2021 15:29
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set -euo pipefail
function create_service_file {
local name=$1
local accessory_category=$2
local mac_address=$3
local port=$4
local setup_id=$5
# Write the service configurtion file to the current directory
cat <<EOF > "${name}.service"
<!-- friendly name -->
<!-- HAP version -->
<!-- MAC -->
<!-- Current configuration number -->
<!-- accessory category -->
<!-- accessory state
This must have a value of 1 -->
<!-- Pairing Feature Flags
nothing to configure -->
<!-- Status flags
0=not paired, 1=paired -->
<!-- setup hash (used for pairing).
Required to support enhanced
setup payload information (but
not defined in the spec) -->
<txt-record>sh=$(echo -n ${setup_id}${mac_address} | openssl dgst -binary -sha512 | head -c 4 | base64)</txt-record>
# Move it in to place
mv -i "${name}.service" "/etc/avahi/services/${name// /}.service"
# Helper Message
echo "Please ensure you have exposed port $port"
# Find the running homebridge pod
POD=$(kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o=jsonpath="{.items[0]}" -l app=$homebridge_name 2> /dev/null || echo "")
if [ -z "$POD" ]; then
echo "No pod found with name \"$homebridge_name\""
exit 1
# Get configuration values out of the container configuration file
CONFIG=$(kubectl exec "$POD" -- cat /homebridge/config.json 2> /dev/null || echo "")
if [ -z "$CONFIG" ]; then
echo "It seems that \"$POD\" is not running homebridge"
exit 1
NAME=$(echo "$CONFIG" | jq -r
MAC=$(echo "$CONFIG" | jq -r .bridge.username)
PORT=$(echo "$CONFIG" | jq -r .bridge.port)
ACCESSORY_CONFIG=$(kubectl exec "$POD" -- cat /homebridge/persist/AccessoryInfo.${MAC//:/}.json)
SETUPID=$(echo "$ACCESSORY_CONFIG" | jq -r .setupID)
CATEGORY=$(echo "$ACCESSORY_CONFIG" | jq -r .category)
# accessory category 2=bridge
create_service_file "$NAME" $CATEGORY "$MAC" "$PORT" "$SETUPID"
# Extra accessory files
# Exclude the one for the bridge
ACCESSORY_FILES=$(kubectl exec "$POD" -- find persist/ -name 'AccessoryInfo.*.json' | grep -v ${MAC//:/})
# Save current IFS
# Change IFS to new line
# split to array $names
# Restore IFS
for i in "${ACCESSORY_FILES[@]}"
echo "File is $i"
ACCESSORY_CONFIG=$(kubectl exec "$POD" -- cat /homebridge/$i)
SETUPID=$(echo "$ACCESSORY_CONFIG" | jq -r .setupID)
CATEGORY=$(echo "$ACCESSORY_CONFIG" | jq -r .category)
NAME=$(echo "$ACCESSORY_CONFIG" | jq -r .displayName)
MAC=$(echo "$i" | cut -d. -f2 | sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g;s/:$//')
PORT=$(kubectl logs "$POD" | grep "${NAME} is running on port" | tail -n 1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $NF}' | cut -d. -f1)
create_service_file "$NAME" $CATEGORY "$MAC" "$PORT" "$SETUPID"
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