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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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  • Save maxpowa/bd97e49e2bf553b0e865 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save maxpowa/bd97e49e2bf553b0e865 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Super-duper-file-age-deletion-tool or SDFADT for short, deletes files recursively in the running directory if their properties indicate that they are older than the user-provided date, and they match the user-provided filter.
ECHO Welcome to the super-duper-file-age-deletion-tool, written by Max Gurela!
ECHO Simply follow through the prompts and you'll be set!
SET /p fileFilter=Please enter a file filter (name.type): %=%
SET /p varDays=Enter maximum age of files (days): %=%
ECHO Starting new file deletion run! %date% - %time%>>log.txt
ECHO ---------------------------------------------------------------->>log.txt
ECHO Deleting files older than %varDays% days matching %fileFilter%...
forfiles /M %fileFilter% /S /D -%varDays% /C "cmd /c del /F /Q @path & echo @path">>log.txt 2>&1
ECHO Files deleted! Log located at %cd%log.txt
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