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Last active June 20, 2021 18:45
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Music searching

Music searching

This gist contains some tools I wrote to solve a problem I ran into when archiving folk tunes. Once I had 30+ tunes in the archive, it became hard to tell whether any particular tune I came across was already in the archive or not, and I'm usually not able to remember a tune note-for-note. The solution to this problem was to build a tool that could search for music scores based on an approximately-similar snippet.


These tools are tuned to my particular setup, but the core should be generalizable. Here are the assumptions the code makes:

  • Scores are stored as compressed MusicXML (.mxl) files
  • The scores and both scripts are stored in the same directory
  • Scores have only one part and voice (i.e. monophonic), though ossias are permitted.
  • You're using Python 3 and have the dependencies installed:
    pip install fuzzywuzzy[speedup] pillow git+ lxml
    • Explanations for each requirement are in the module docstrings
  • You're using iTerm2. This is only required if you want to use's music rendering feature.

The tools

  • searches for approximate matches to a music snippet
  • correctly labels ossia staves so they're detected as ossias in Ossias appear to be a bit of a blind spot in the music software world. The software I'm using (MuseScore) doesn't directly support them, so they end up serialized as just an extra staff. This script is needed so that can distinguish scores with ossia staves from scores with multiple real staves.

See the module docstrings for details on each script.

#!/usr/bin/env python
Convert additional staves in musicxml scores into ossias. This is useful for making scores
searchable by
In particular, this script takes a 2-staff file and adds the following code to it:
<staff-details number="1">
This marks staff #1 as an ossia, so that it is recognized as a variant by, so
can find substrings in and around the variant.
* Clone the repo
* Make a virtualenv with python3 and pip install lxml
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from io import BytesIO
from zipfile import ZipFile
# There's no way to preserve xml and doctype declarations with xml.etree, so we have to use lxml
from lxml import etree as ET
def parse_args():
parser = ArgumentParser(description="""
Convert a 2-staff musicxml score into a score with a single main staff and an ossia staff,
as annotated by the <staff-details> element. The convention followed by this script is
that the first staff is the ossia staff and the second is the main staff.
parser.add_argument('file', help="File to modify")
parser.add_argument('-t', '--test', action='store_true',
help="Show the modified musicxml instead of saving it")
return parser.parse_args()
def add_ossia_marker(tree):
attributes = tree.getroot().find('./part/measure/attributes')
num_staves = int(attributes.find('staves').text)
if num_staves != 2:
raise ValueError(f"Expected only 2 staves, got {num_staves}")
last_clef_idx = [i for i, el in enumerate(attributes) if el.tag == 'clef'][-1]
attributes.insert(last_clef_idx + 1, ET.fromstring(
'<staff-details number="1"><staff-type>ossia</staff-type></staff-details>'
def tree2str(tree):
# This appears to be the only way to preserve the xml and doctype declarations
buffer = BytesIO()
tree.write(buffer, xml_declaration=True, encoding=tree.docinfo.encoding)
return buffer.getvalue().decode('utf8')
def main():
args = parse_args()
with ZipFile(args.file) as zipf:
maybe_fnames = [f for f in zipf.namelist() if not f.startswith('META-INF/')]
assert len(maybe_fnames) == 1, f"More than one relevant file found in {args.file}! Malformed mxl file?"
fname = maybe_fnames[0]
with as f:
tree = ET.parse(f)
if args.test:
# NB: this drops the META-INF member of the zip archive. Luckily, that doesn't seem to matter.
with ZipFile(args.file, 'w') as zipf:
zipf.writestr(fname, tree2str(tree))
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python
Fuzzy music searcher
This script takes a music fragment written in music21's TinyNotation, fuzzy-searches through
the current directory for matching musicxml files, and outputs the names of the files and the
match percentages of their best-matching subsequence.
It's sometimes hard to get a TinyNotation string right on the first try, so this script also is
capable of rendering the input string as an image of music notation. This feature uses iTerm2's
inline image feature, and thus is not available in other terminal emulators.
You can find more info on TinyNotation here:
$ "a8 b c d' e' f'" -s
<image of notation>
$ "a8 b c d' e' f'"
55% file1.mxl
63% file2.mxl
95% file3.mxl
* Clone the repo
* Make a virtualenv with python3 and install the requirements: pillow, fuzzywuzzy[speedup], git+
* That's it!
* Without the [speedup] version of fuzzywuzzy, you'll get incorrect results! By default,
difflib.SequenceMatcher does automatic junk detection and fuzzywuzzy doesn't expose an option to
turn it off. using [speedup] makes fuzzywuzzy use python-Levenshtein instead, which doesn't do any
junk detection (thankfully).
* This script currently depends on my fork of music21 for ossia detection. You'll have to install
the fork if you want ossia detection to work, at least until it's merged back into the main music21 repo.
* This script only works on scores that only have a single non-ossia part, and if ossias are
annotated in musicxml using the <staff-details> element. If you have a multi-part score
where the ossia part(s) are not annotated this way, you can use to fix it.
How it works:
The fuzzy searching works by using music21's search.translateIntervalsAndSpeed() to transform a
flattened part into a string encoding the relative speeds and intervals of adjacent notes. This way,
matches don't depend on the notated speed and key of scores. Ossias (aka variants) are activated one
at a time, transformed, and appended to the string. Then the search string is likewise converted and
fuzzywuzzy is used to perform a fuzzy substring search for the search string in the score string.
This is repeated for all *.mxl files in the current directory, and matches are ouptutted.
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from base64 import b64encode
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from textwrap import dedent
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
import music21 as m21 # Hot spot
from PIL import Image
# NB: if something should come up in search and doesn't, make sure there's a .mxl file for it.
# To check for missing mxl files, use `comm -2 -3 <(basename -s .mscz *.mscz | sort) <(basename -s .mxl *.mxl | sort)`
def parse_args():
parser = ArgumentParser(
description = """
Search for musicxml files in the current directory that match a TinyNotation-formatted
music fragment
parser.add_argument('search_string', help="Music fragment to search for")
parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action='store_true',
help="Show the fragment as an image instead of searching for it. Requires iTerm2.")
return parser.parse_args()
def score2str(score):
Translate a m21 score/stream into a searchable string
# Turn any ossia-like parts into actual variants
parts = list(score.recurse().getElementsByClass('Part'))
if parts:
ossias = [p for p in parts if p.metadata and p.metadata.custom.get('staff-type') == 'ossia']
assert len( - len(ossias) == 1, (
"I don't know how to handle scores with more than 1 non-ossia part! "
"If the other parts were supposed to be ossias, try running on the score."
main_part = (set(parts) - set(ossias)).pop()
for ossia in ossias:
m21.variant.mergePartAsOssia(main_part, ossia,, inPlace=True)
main_part = score
def part2str(part):
# Chord symbols count as notes for some reason, so we have to filter them out or else
# they'll make translateIntervalsAndSpeed blow up
flat = part.flat.notesAndRests.getElementsNotOfClass(m21.harmony.ChordSymbol)
result = part2str(main_part)
# Search each variant separately
for variant in main_part.variants:
variant_part = main_part.activateVariants(variant.groups[0])
result += '|||||' + part2str(variant_part)
return result
# The cutoff is arbitrary, feel free to change it
def search(search_str, path='.', cutoff=50):
results = []
for mxl_file in Path(path).glob('*.mxl'):
work = m21.converter.parseFile(mxl_file) # Hot spot
work_str = score2str(work)
except AssertionError as e:
raise AssertionError(f'{str(e)}: {mxl_file}')
match_pct = fuzz.partial_ratio(search_str, work_str)
if match_pct > cutoff:
results.append((, match_pct))
return sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[1])
#TODO: leaves the cursor a weird color until next newline
def show_iterm(score):
Use iTerm2's inline image protocol to show an image of rendered music notation
See <> for details
file_name = score.write('musicxml.png')
# By default, the score image has a transparent background, which doesn't show up great on
# a black terminal background. Instead, give it a white background.
# Stolen from
png =
background ='RGB', png.size, (255, 255, 255))
background.paste(png, mask=png.split()[3])
buffer = BytesIO(), 'PNG')
sys.stdout.buffer.write(b"\033]1337;File=inline=1:" + b64encode(buffer.getvalue()))
def main():
args = parse_args()
search_fragment = m21.converter.parse(f'tinynotation: {args.search_string}')
results = search(score2str(search_fragment))
print('\n'.join([f'{int(r[1])}% {r[0]}' for r in results]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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