Javascript is a programming language with a peculiar twist. Its event driven model means that nothing blocks and everything runs concurrently. This is not to be confused with the same type of concurrency as running in parallel on multiple cores. Javascript is single threaded so each program runs on a single core yet every line of code executes without waiting for anything to return. This sounds weird but it's true. If you want to have any type of sequential ordering you can use events, callbacks, or as of late promises.
Let's see an example:
function delayedLog(index, delay){
console.log("Logging from function call #"+index)
}, delay)
delayedLog(1, 2000)
delayedLog(2, 1000)
Now you might be wondering what setTimeout is doing and it's basically saying run this function after this much time. Javascript is a Higher-order programming language which means you can pass functions as arguments. The first delayedLog will print to stdout after 2 seconds. The second one will print after 1 second.
What you might expect to see is:
// ...wait for 2 seconds
Logging from function call #1
// ...wait for 1 second
Logging from function call #2
But that is not the case, both will be fired at the same time one after the other so the output would be like this:
// ...wait for 1 second
Logging from function call #2
// ...wait for 2 seconds
Logging from function call #1
The most traditional way of handling concurrency where you needed to run functions in a certain order is known as callbacks. This is when you pass a function to a be run at a later time and given arguments that can be acted upon then. That is what setTimeout is doing when you pass it a function.
function log(err, msg) {
if (err) panic(err)
function doSomething(arg, callback) {
if (isError()) callback("An error happened", null)
setTimeout(callback(null, arg.reverse), 1000)
Now let's look at some real world examples of concurrency. We'll be making a function that sends multiple HTTP requests, first by the function which takes a callback and then invoking that function sequentially, concurrently and finally in parallel with the help of the cluster module.
For reference here is what I mean by sequential, concurrent and parallel:
- Sequential: do this and then do that
- Concurrent: do this and do that without waiting between
- Parallel: do this and do that at the exact same time
// send the request with a request-id header read the body
// simulated delays in responses between .3 and .6 seconds
function sendRequest(requestID, cb){
var delay = Math.floor(Math.random() * (6 - 3 + 1)) + 5
var request = {
hostname: '',
headers: {'request-id': requestID},
path: '/delay/.'+ delay
require('http').get(request, (res) => {
var body = ''
res.on('data', function (chunk) {
body += chunk
res.on('end', function () {
cb(res, body)
// Have to try a little bit
function sequentialRequests(count, i){
if (i == undefined) {i = 0}
if (i++ >= count) {return}
sendRequest(i, function(res, body){
var reqID = JSON.parse(body).headers['Request-Id']
var sCode = res.statusCode
console.log("Sequential Response #"+reqID+" returned a "+sCode)
sequentialRequests(count, i)
// Default by nature of js
function concurrentRequests(limit){
for (var i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
sendRequest(i, function(res, body){
var reqID = JSON.parse(body).headers['Request-Id']
var sCode = res.statusCode
console.log("Concurrent Response #"+reqID+" returned a "+sCode)
// pretty complex and for not much gain
function parallizedRequests(count){
var cluster = require('cluster')
var count = count
if(cluster.isMaster) {
for(var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var worker = cluster.fork()
worker.on('message', function(message) {
var i = 0
for(var wid in cluster.workers) {
if (i > count) {return}
type: 'request',
data: {
number: i
} else {
process.on('message', function(message) {
if(message.type === 'request') {
sendRequest(, function(res,body){
var reqID = JSON.parse(body).headers['Request-Id']
var sCode = res.statusCode
data: {
result: "Parallel Response #"+reqID+" returned a "+sCode