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Created November 6, 2018 04:07
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  • Save maxwellb/77430af42f7092c269b6b27c31a32e93 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Figure captions: Cloud storage for Git with OneDrive on LinkedIn
Command prompt: C:\repos\HelloWorld>
Output of command "git merge section": 1 file changed, 6 insertions.
Output of command "git log --graph": branching history of changes.
Output of command "git status": On branch master. Nothing to commit. Working tree clean.
Output of command "git remote -v": (empty)
Screenshot of Windows Explorer
Location: OneDrive
One folder: "HelloWorld.git" - selected.
Screenshot of Windows Explorer
Location: D:\OneDrive\HelloWorld.git
Text: This folder is empty.
Command prompt: C:\repos\HelloWorld>
Change directory to D:\OneDrive\HelloWorld.git
Output of command "git init --bare": Initialized empty Git repository.
Change directory to C:\repos\HelloWorld
Output of command "git remote add origin D:\OneDrive\HelloWorld.git": (empty)
Output of command "git push origin --all": Total 24 (delta 9), reused 0 (delta 0) To D:\OneDrive\HelloWorld.git
New branch: master -> master
New branch: section -> section
Command prompt: C:\laptop>
Output of command "git clone D:\OneDrive\HelloWorld.git": Cloning into HelloWorld... Done.
Change directory to C:\laptop\HelloWorld
Output of command "git remote -v": Origin D:\OneDrive\HelloWorld.git (fetch). Origin D:\OneDrive\HelloWorld.git (push).
Output of command "git checkout section": Switched to a new branch 'section'. Branch 'section' set up to track remote branch 'section' from 'origin'.
New branch: master -> master
New branch: section -> section
Output of command "git log --graph": branching history of changes.
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