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Created November 23, 2022 18:32
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  • Save maxwellb/b97d47f98a3a5db1245989fdfa17889e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save maxwellb/b97d47f98a3a5db1245989fdfa17889e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
API calls to Gitea to migrate repos from GitHub, Gitlab, etc.


Update .env file with


And npm i.

Migrate from Gitlab

Add to .env file


to target the repos in a particular organization/project (within a particular group).

Migrate from GitHub

Add to .env file


to target the repos in a particular organization/user.

Common Steps

Add to .env file


to perform the migration with a destination at the chosen organization/owner.

Run npm i followed by either node clone_org.js for Gitlab, or node clone_gh.js for GitHub.

Fun Facts

  • clone_gh.js will check the GitHub API rate limit on the first request, and halt if the remaining quota is less than 50.
  • The gitea organization does not have to be named the same as the source organization. Repos from multiple source owners can be collected into one Gitea owner/organization.
  • Theoretically, the scripts are automation-friendly as-is, because the parameters can be specified as environment variables instead of .env entries.
  • Migrating private repos is an exercise left to the reader.
const moment = require('moment');
const githubBase = process.env.GITHUB_BASE;
const githubOrg = process.env.GITHUB_ORG;
const repos = `${githubBase}/orgs/${githubOrg}/repos`;
let projects = [];
const ghInit = { headers: { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${process.env.GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN}` } };
let P = [];
P.push(Promise.all([...P]).then(async () => {
let resp = await fetch(repos, ghInit);
let nextPage, nextHref;
let [pageLink, rateUse, rateRemain, rateLimit, rateReset] = [
console.debug(`GitHub API Rate Limit Usage: ${rateUse}/${rateLimit} Used (${rateRemain} Remain) - Resets ${moment.unix(rateReset).fromNow()}`);
if (rateRemain < 50) {
console.warn('Critical Rate Limit Reached -- Stopping Operation');
let links = pageLink ? pageLink.split(',').map(link => {
let [href, rel] = link.split(";").map(_ => _.trim());
return { href, rel }
}) : [];
[nextPage] = links.filter(_ => _.rel === 'rel="next"').map(_ => _.href.match(/page=(\d+)/)[1]);
[nextHref] = links.filter(_ => _.rel === 'rel="next"').map(_ => _.href.match(/<(.*)>/)[1]);
let json, new_proj;
do {
json = await resp.json();
new_proj = json.filter(_filter1).map(_map1);
// Fetch next page
if (!nextHref)
resp = await fetch(nextHref, ghInit);
[pageLink] = [
links = pageLink ? pageLink.split(',').map(link => {
let [href, rel] = link.split(";").map(_ => _.trim())
return { href, rel }
}) : [];
[nextPage] = links.filter(_ => _.rel === 'rel="next"').map(_ => _.href.match(/page=(\d+)/)[1]);
[nextHref] = links.filter(_ => _.rel === 'rel="next"').map(_ => _.href.match(/<(.*)>/)[1]);
} while (nextHref);
P.push(Promise.all([...P]).then(async () => {
const orgName = process.env.GITEA_ORG;
const isOrg = await fetch(_gitea(`/orgs/${orgName}`));
let newOrg;
if (!isOrg.ok) {
newOrg = await fetch(_post('/orgs', { username: orgName, visibility: 'public', repo_admin_change_team_access: true }));
P.push(Promise.all([...P]).then(async () => {
const orgName = process.env.GITEA_ORG;
for (const p of projects) {
const repoName =;
const cloneUrl = p.clone_url;
const isPrivate = !!p.private;
const isRepo = await fetch(_gitea(`/repos/${orgName}/${repoName}`));
let newRepo;
if (isRepo.ok) {
console.log(`Repo [${repoName}] found!`);
} else {
console.log(`Repo [${repoName}] not found...`);
const postReq = _post('/repos/migrate', {
clone_addr: cloneUrl,
service: 'github',
auth_token: process.env.GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN,
lfs: true,
mirror: true,
private: isPrivate,
repo_owner: orgName,
repo_name: repoName
newRepo = await Promise.resolve(fetch(postReq).catch(()=>{}));
console.log(`${repoName}: ${newRepo.status} ${newRepo.statusText}`);
function _filter1(_) {
const isPublic = _.visibility === 'public';
const nameMatch = ?? '') != null;
return isPublic && nameMatch;
function _map1(_) { return ({ name:, clone_url: _.clone_url, private: _.private }) }
function _gitea(path) { return `${process.env.GITEA_BASE}/api/v1${path}?token=${process.env.GITEA_API_KEY}` }
function _headers(h) {
let headers = new Headers();
headers.append('accept', 'application/vnd.github+json');
`node-fetch/1.0 (Node.js ${process.version}; ${}; ${process.platform}; ${process.arch})` +
` node/${process.versions.node} v8/${process.versions.v8}` +
` openssl/${process.versions.openssl}`)
Object.entries(h).forEach(hh => headers.append(...hh));
return headers;
function _post(path, body) {
return new Request(_gitea(path),
method: 'POST',
headers: _headers({
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(body)
Promise.all([...P]).then(() => {
console.log("All done!");
const path = require('node:path');
const gitlabBase = process.env.GITLAB_BASE;
const gitlabGroup = process.env.GITLAB_GROUP;
const repos = `${gitlabBase}/groups/${gitlabGroup}/-/children.json`;
let projects = [];
let P = [];
P.push(fetch(repos).then(async (resp) => {
let [totalPages, nextPage] = [
let json = await resp.json();
while (nextPage) {
r = await fetch(repos + `?page=${nextPage}`);
nextPage = r.headers.get('x-next-page');
projects.push(...(await r.json()).filter(_filter1).map(_map1));
P.push(Promise.all([...P]).then(async () => {
const orgName = process.env.GITEA_ORG;
const isOrg = await fetch(_gitea(`/orgs/${orgName}`));
let newOrg;
if (!isOrg.ok) {
newOrg = await fetch(_post('/orgs', { username: orgName, visibility: 'public', repo_admin_change_team_access: true }));
P.push(Promise.all([...P]).then(async () => {
const orgName = process.env.GITEA_ORG;
for (const p of projects) {
const repoPath = p.relative_path;
const repoName = path.posix.basename(repoPath);
const isRepo = await fetch(_gitea(`/repos/${orgName}/${repoName}`));
let newRepo;
if (isRepo.ok) {
console.log(`Repo [${repoName}] found!`);
} else {
console.log(`Repo [${repoName}] not found...`);
const postReq = _post('/repos/migrate', {
clone_addr: _repo(repoPath),
service: 'gitlab',
lfs: true,
mirror: true,
private: false,
repo_owner: orgName,
repo_name: repoName
newRepo = await Promise.resolve(fetch(postReq).catch(()=>{}));
console.log(`${repoName}: ${newRepo.status} ${newRepo.statusText}`);
function _filter1(_) { return _.type === "project" }
function _map1(_) { return ({ name:, relative_path: _.relative_path }) }
function _repo(_) { return `${process.env.GITLAB_BASE}${_}.git` }
function _gitea(path) { return `${process.env.GITEA_BASE}/api/v1${path}?token=${process.env.GITEA_API_KEY}` }
function _headers(h) {
let headers = new Headers();
headers.append('accept', 'application/json');
Object.entries(h).forEach(hh => headers.append(...hh));
return headers;
function _post(path, body) {
return new Request(_gitea(path),
method: 'POST',
headers: _headers({
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(body)
Promise.all([...P]).then(() => {
console.log("All done!");
Partial contents of package.json
// ...
"license": "WTFPL",
"dependencies": {
"dotenv": "^16.0.2",
"moment": "^2.29.4",
"node-fetch": "^3.2.10",
"param-case": "^3.0.4"
// ...
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