Once you’ve restored from the 24 words, it might take a few minutes to a few hours for it to scan all of your previous Bitcoin (on-chain) transactions and balances. Meanwhile, here's how you can restore the funds in your Lightning channels.
Open the “Terminal” app on Mac/Linux, or “PowerShell” on Windows and run this:
scp <path/to/your/channel/backup/file> [email protected]:/home/umbrel/umbrel/lnd/channel.backup
(Replace <path/to/your/channel/backup/file>
with the exact path to channel backup file on your computer)
It will prompt you for SSH password, enter moneyprintergobrrr
ssh [email protected]
It will again prompt for the SSH password, enter moneyprintergobrrr
cd ~/umbrel && docker-compose exec lnd lncli restorechanbackup --multi_file /data/.lnd/channel.backup
After you run this, wait for 1 minute. You should now be able to see your channels being closed on http://umbrel.local/lightning.