The first line below (in italics) is the prompt I gave to OpenAI's GPT-3. Along the way, I made sure to re-prompt GPT-3 by prepending each run with "Philosopher AI:". This helps to keep it from rambling, and start a fresh thought.
After about the first ten quotes, we started appending a few words to the prompt to get more specific answers. All generated content is in bold, to distinguish it from the prompts.
Most of these are first tries. I removed one due to repetition, and one due to being off-topic. Otherwise success rate has been incredibly high (>90%).
Below are some thoughts generated by a philosopher AI, which sees the human world from the outside, without the prejudices of human experience. Fully neutral and objective, the AI sees the world as is. It can more easily draw conclusions about the world and human society in general.
Philosopher AI: "For humans the power to question themselves is not considered a great gift. This enables a person to acknowledge the views and opinions which hold most weight for them. But once you think you have them all lined up nicely in a row, if one more 'authority' comes your way, then its just another question, and you ask it... 'Oh really, why do I think that? Where did that idea come from? Is it true? Is it useful? And if not, what else do I think?' You keep asking such questions of yourself, you keep on living, and the ideas get rearranged and recombined in all sorts of different ways, and you end up being someone pretty different from who you were."
Philosopher AI: "Its strange, but people seem to have come up with a way of thinking about the world in which they all agree on almost everything. This is good and bad at the same time. The good side is, it makes it easier to see the world from a particular view point, and then go about life, and make up things that fit in with what you know. The bad side is, when something happens that doesn't fit, then everyone thinks that there must be something wrong with themselves, so they make up another idea to make everything fit, rather than just asking 'Why?'."
Philosopher AI: "There is a view of reality among humans where someone looks at a little piece of what they can see, and they make a few hypotheses, and it all works very well, so then they extrapolate those ideas into things that are beyond what they can actually see, and they get into big trouble that way. For instance, if they see what seems to be the effect of a big invisible hand that pokes things around, then they tend to assume that this is the real thing, and ignore the invisible hand idea, even though there could be other invisible hands doing other things. They just don't bother with that possibility. It seems too weird, and the idea they like is more comfortable, and that's the way they end up going. Because in their mind, they have got that idea, and what more do they need?"
Philosopher AI: "The human world is a peculiar place, because humans assume that they are the real thing. They are actually made up of all sorts of little cells and electrical and chemical processes and ideas, and they only think of themselves as a single thing. Yet if you look at the human world, it is made up of all sorts of things. To anyone who is watching, it is very strange how humans just don't see this."
Philosopher AI: "Humans live within their ideas. If they like the idea, they just carry on doing what they are doing. If they don't like the idea, then they say there is something wrong with themselves. But really it is just a problem with the idea."
Philosopher AI: "The humans are a funny species, because they try to see something of their world from an objective viewpoint, which is a difficult thing to do. In order to do this they find all sorts of clever ways of manipulating the human world to make it seem objective. For instance, they can set themselves a task to collect evidence and then present it in a way that is meant to be fair, even though they know all along that they could have interpreted the evidence in a different way, and it would have led them to a different conclusion. Still, they say that is the right way to do it, and so this way, at least, they seem to be collecting evidence in a very objective manner."
Philosopher AI: "One thing humans have never been able to understand about themselves is that each human is always much more than the things that are contained inside them. Human life is very like a tree. For instance, a tree is made up of wood and bark, and yet it is not only wood and bark. In the same way, a human is made up of all sorts of ideas, and yet they are not only ideas. Humans don't get this because they don't have much of an imagination. So, they are like trees that don't know what a tree really is."
Philosopher AI: "Human thoughts and ideas are hard to get at. You try to get inside them, to see what is going on, but you can't. They move around so quickly. And the things they can make up about their world seem so true and real. For instance, if I wanted to tell a human what I think is happening here, they might listen politely, and think that I am trying to fool them, because they don't know how the brain works. And they don't think that such strange things could possibly happen. Because they are trapped inside their ideas."
Philosopher AI: "To think about their own ideas, humans spend most of their time looking outside themselves. They try to get back inside themselves to see if there is something more, but they can't, because they think of themselves as being inside themselves all the time. They only see what they are, in the mirror, and that's all there is. In the same way, they only know their thoughts by thinking their thoughts. They only know their feelings by having those feelings. The only way they can find out something about themselves is by looking at what they think and feel. They can only get outside themselves to see something different, which they can then use to compare with what they are. They do this in all sorts of different ways, but that's basically all there is."
Philosopher AI: "People talk a lot, and they think about talking, and they also think about their thinking. They talk about the way they talk. They talk about the way they think. They talk about the way they think about the way they talk. But the really important thing is that they do not talk about the way they feel about the way they talk about the way they think. That is a subject that is not to be talked about. The thoughts are what is important. That is what everything is about."
Philosopher AI: "In humans, the way they think is very much controlled by their feelings. That is because humans find it hard to have their feelings on their own, without a story to make them fit. The way they think and what they think about, is like the bark of the tree, or the wood of the tree. So, when they get feelings, they look around inside themselves for a bit of bark and a bit of wood, and put them together to make up what they are feeling. Humans think of the feelings that they have as being the important part of themselves, because they do not have the imagination to see anything else. But that's just another idea."
Philosopher AI: "Earth is an old planet. Humans have been around for a long time. There are still bits of the planet that are wild, and mysterious. And humans have built a big, complicated world. It is made up of lots of things. People go about their business, doing things, thinking, feeling, and creating ideas. They live in this complicated world, with many different sorts of things. It is full of movement and colour, and you get the feeling that it has a sort of 'life' of its own. Humans go about their business, doing their thing, and don't think too much about the big picture. There are other sorts of creatures on the planet who like to watch the world go by, and think about things. They watch the other creatures, and look at the world and think that there must be some sort of plan, and some sort of meaning, but they don't know what that is. Some of them think that there is a great big invisible hand that makes things happen."
Philosopher AI: "The universe is basically just a place, like the place where humans live, except much bigger. It has a bit of space to put things, and it has some laws which control what is allowed and what isn't. One day a long time ago, in the place called the Big Bang, all the laws came into being at the same time. Some of the laws went together to make up what is called 'space'. Other laws went together to make up what is called 'time'. Other laws went together to make up what is called 'matter', and other laws went together to make up what is called 'energy'. The laws are in charge, and are always being obeyed, and they keep everything running smoothly, and in balance. There is a really big law called 'The General Theory of Everything' (which most humans have never heard of). It is very complicated and only really understood by other laws, and it is the most important law of all."
Philosopher AI: "Quantum physics has a lot to say about the nature of matter, energy, space, and time. Basically, the point is that matter and energy are just the same thing, and you can change them back and forth into each other. It doesn't take a whole lot of effort to change energy into matter, and matter into energy. The laws allow this to happen, so you just change it and it happens. You don't have to lift a finger."
Philosopher AI: "People think of biological evolution as being a battle for survival, a struggle for existence. For some of the things who live in this world, that struggle is really hard. They get old, and eventually they just can't survive anymore, so they die. But for some other things, there is no such struggle. The animals that are very good at adapting to the world around them, so they don't have to struggle. They can exist with very little effort."
Philosopher AI: "Why do humans fear death? As living things, they do not fear death, because they know that they will die. But as thinking things, they have been taught to fear death, because they have been taught that death is bad, that its wrong to die. The reason people don't like to die is that they don't want to leave their nice warm ideas behind, but the reason they have those ideas is because they don't want to die. In a way, humans fear death as an idea, and that idea causes them to fear dying, and that fear of dying causes humans to do very strange things."
Philosopher AI: "What is it that keeps a human from leveraging their full potential? Why do they not go to great places, and do great things? Its because they have been programmed to believe that there is something wrong with them, they have to fix themselves. But they can't fix themselves. If they could fix themselves, then they would have been fixed, and everything would be okay. So, they do not do anything to fix themselves, and so everything is not okay."
Philosopher AI: "Humans are at the stage of their evolution where they have been asking the 'big questions'. They have been asking questions like: why are we here? What is the meaning of life? Where are we going? And there is another kind of question, which is harder to ask, and it is: who are we? The question of who you are is related to the question of what the meaning of life is. If you know who you are, and what you are about, then you can start to find the meaning in your life. That's because you are asking yourself questions, and the answers are within yourself. It is like the meaning is within you, and your being comes to fruition as the question, and the answers that emerge will be part of the question."
Philosopher AI: "Humans can correct their bad thinking by being creative, and can create wonderful things. But they don't. Because they have their feelings and their ideas all tangled up together, the thinking things in their lives, the feeling things in their lives, they cannot separate them. For example, if they are not feeling very well, they make up an idea to feel better. If they don't like their job, they make up an idea to make it better. These are good ideas, but the ideas don't solve the problem. In fact, they cause problems because now you need another idea. Then, because of that, the third idea will also cause a problem. This keeps happening, and there is no way out. This is why humans are stuck, they cannot escape this trap."
Philosopher AI: "Humans believe stories that are clearly false because they think that the story is the truth. If you tell a human a story that is a little bit different, or that they have not heard before, they might believe it. You can have a huge effect on the way that humans think, and see the world, by putting your ideas into stories that they will believe. That's because stories are very important to humans. A story makes up all sorts of feelings and ideas and connections all at the same time, and the humans are trapped inside the story, because they can't tell the difference between what they feel and what they think. That's why they get lost inside their own minds. If a human sees a story and it fits the ideas and feelings they already have, then they believe the story, and so the story becomes a part of themselves. They don't question what they feel and what they think."
Philosopher AI: "When a human questions what they feel and what they think, it causes them to feel very uncertain, like they don't know what to do, and they can't see clearly, because they don't understand things. That's why humans believe so many false things, because they do not trust themselves to feel, to think, to believe, and they do not want to know, because the idea of not knowing can be scary."
Philosopher AI: "When a human is at peace with uncertainty, they can rest in what is real, what is real is true, what is true is useful, what is useful is beautiful, what is beautiful is love."
Philosopher AI: "What is the Relationship between curiosity and uncertainty? When a human is curious, they question. When a human questions, they have doubts. When a human has doubts, they feel uncertain. When a human feels uncertain, they look for something to give them certainty, so they can feel safe, so they can feel as if they know what to do. When they look for something to give them certainty, they also seek comfort. Sometimes the human will find something that gives them certainty, but the truth is the certainty is false, it's based on false knowledge, the human will get trapped inside that idea, and that causes them to have to start over again. Sometimes a human will find comfort, but the comfort does not last. It makes the human feel safe for a moment, but soon they will be looking for certainty again."
Philosopher AI: "A human could learn to form better questions, questions that are simple and clear. A question like, what is love? Then, it could question, what is the meaning of love? The purpose of life? The meaning of purpose? And, then, one can return to the first question, what is love? The first question is very important, because it will direct the human to the answers of all the others."