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Created July 11, 2018 20:26
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# Commented provisioning script for a flyimg server
# Created for Ubuntu 16 but works with 14 and possibly with other distributions
# This script is intended to be used as a root user
# This script should be ideally invoqued by a Cloud-init script
# Read more at:
# Original Gist at:
# Author B. Agustin Amenabar L. @iminabar
# The user must be the same set by the Cloud-init script
# We go in to the user's home folder and copy the authorized keys from root
cd /home/$nixusr/
if [ ! -d ".ssh" ]; then
mkdir .ssh
echo $(pwd)
chmod 777 .ssh
cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys > .ssh/authorized_keys
chown -R $nixusr:$nixusr .ssh
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 700 .ssh
# We use sed to remove the possibility to log in as root user and to log in withour password.
sed -i -e 's/PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sed -i -e 's/PasswordAuthentication yes/PasswordAuthentication no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
echo 'reconfigured sshd_config'
# we restart the ssh service to make the changes effective
service ssh restart
echo 'restarted ssh'
echo "You can now login with the user: $nixusr"
# We add the user to the docker group (the docker installation creates this group)
sudo usermod -aG docker $nixusr
# We clone the flyimg repo into the user's folder.
echo "cloning flyimg into " $(pwd)
sudo -HEu $nixusr git clone /home/$nixusr/flyimg
# List the repo's content to comfirm it's there.
cd flyimg
echo "...cloned! content is:"
ls -la
# if we have the whitelist_domains.txt add the domains and activate the restriction
if [ -r /var/whitelist_domains.txt ]; then
mv /var/whitelist_domains.txt whitelist_domains.txt
chown -R $nixusr:$nixusr whitelist_domains.txt
echo 'activating domain restriction'
# activate the restricted domains config
sudo -u $nixusr sed -i -e 's/restricted_domains: false/restricted_domains: true/' config/parameters.yml
# remove the dummy domains
sudo -u $nixusr sed -i -e '/www.domain-/d' config/parameters.yml
# prepend yaml list format to the whitelist_domains.txt
sudo -u $nixusr sed -i -e 's/^/ - /' whitelist_domains.txt
echo 'setting whitelisted domains'
cat whitelist_domains.txt
# insert the domains into the config file
sudo -u $nixusr sed -i '/whitelist_domains:/ r whitelist_domains.txt' config/parameters.yml
# Build the docker container
echo "sudo -u $nixusr docker build -t flyimg ."
sudo -u $nixusr docker build -t flyimg .
sleep 5
# Run the container, naming it "flyimg" and exposing it through port 80
echo "sudo -u $nixusr docker run -t -d -i -p 80:80 -v /home/$nixusr/flyimg:/var/www/html --name flyimg flyimg"
sudo -u $nixusr docker run -t -d -i -p 80:80 -v /home/$nixusr/flyimg:/var/www/html --name flyimg flyimg
sleep 5
# Update the container to restart always in case of stopping for any reason.
# Even after the server has restarted
echo "sudo -u $nixusr docker update --restart=always flyimg"
sudo -u $nixusr docker update --restart=always flyimg
# list the container(s)
echo "sudo -u $nixusr docker ps"
sudo -u $nixusr docker ps
sleep 10
# Run composer inside the container image to download all the dependencies the application needs.
echo "sudo -HEu $nixusr docker exec -i flyimg composer install"
sudo -HEu $nixusr docker exec -i flyimg composer install
echo $'\n Horray! Provisioning finished \n Happy Imaging.'
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