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Created December 17, 2024 06:00
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Advent of Code 2024 Day 17
import AOC
import Preamble
let input = readInput()
let chunks = input.split(on: "\n\n")
var debug = false
func debugPrint(_ s: String) {
if debug { print(s) }
struct Computer {
var regs: [Int]
let program: [Int]
var ip = 0
var output: [Int] = []
var A: Int { get { regs[0] } set { regs[0] = newValue } }
var B: Int { get { regs[1] } set { regs[1] = newValue } }
var C: Int { get { regs[2] } set { regs[2] = newValue } }
mutating func step() -> Bool {
guard ip < program.count else { return false }
let insn = program[ip]
let operand = program[ip + 1]
var combo: Int {
switch operand {
case 0, 1, 2, 3: return operand
case 4, 5, 6: return regs[operand - 4]
default: fatalError()
var comboDescription: String {
switch operand {
case 0, 1, 2, 3: return "\(operand)"
case 4: return "A"
case 5: return "B"
case 6: return "C"
default: fatalError()
var ipString: String { ip < 10 ? "0\(ip)" : String(ip) }
var nextIp: Int? = nil
switch insn {
case 0: // adv
debugPrint("\(ipString) A = A >> \(comboDescription)")
A = A / (1 << combo)
case 1: // bxl
debugPrint("\(ipString) B ^= \(operand)")
B ^= operand
case 2: // bst
debugPrint("\(ipString) B = \(comboDescription) % 8")
B = combo % 8
case 3: // jnz
debugPrint("\(ipString) if A ≠ 0 goto \(operand)")
if A == 0 { break }
nextIp = operand
debugPrint("---------> BRANCH TAKEN")
case 4: // bxc
debugPrint("\(ipString) B ^= C")
B = B ^ C
case 5: // out
debugPrint("\(ipString) out \(comboDescription)")
output.append(combo % 8)
case 6: // bdv
debugPrint("\(ipString) B = A >> \(comboDescription)")
B = A / (1 << combo)
case 7: // cdv
debugPrint("\(ipString) C = A >> \(comboDescription)")
C = A / (1 << combo)
ip = nextIp ?? (ip + 2)
return true
func canBeQuine() -> Bool {
return program.starts(with: output)
var joinedOutput: String { { String($0) }.joined(separator: ",") }
mutating func run() -> String {
while step() { }
return joinedOutput
let computer0 = Computer(regs: chunks[0].allInts(), program: chunks[1].allInts())
var part1 = computer0
while part1.step() { }
part1.joinedOutput |> printAndCopy
let requiredOutput = { String($0) }.joined(separator: ",")
var candidates = Array(0 ..< 8)
while true {
var nextCandidates: [Int] = []
for candidate in candidates {
var puter = computer0
puter.A = candidate
let output =
guard requiredOutput.hasSuffix(output) else { continue }
if output == requiredOutput {
candidate |> printAndCopy
break loop
for i in 0 ..< 8 {
nextCandidates.append((candidate << 3) | i)
candidates = nextCandidates
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