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John Jimenez mayonesa

  • Florida, USA
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mayonesa / InterestingTimes.scala
Created February 6, 2022 22:35
Time using at most 2 numbers
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.Date
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import TimeUnit.{MILLISECONDS => Milliseconds}
import TimeUnit.{SECONDS => Seconds}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
mayonesa / Assassin.scala
Last active February 6, 2022 22:31
Given a board, `b`, with obstacles, guards, and an assassin, will determine if said assassin can reach the bottom right undetected
import scala.annotation.tailrec
Write a method that given a board, `b`, with obstacles, guards, and an assassin, will determine if said assassin can
reach the bottom right undetected:
object Assassin {
def undetected(b: Array[String]): Boolean
object ArrayRotation {
def rotate(a: Array[Int], k: Int): Array[Int] = {
val n = a.length
lazy val kRn = k % n
if (n == 0 || kRn == 0)
Array.tabulate(n) { i =>
val j = i - kRn
mayonesa / DivBy3.scala
Last active February 6, 2022 22:25
Given a string representation of a number, returns the number of variations of said input that is divisible by 3
/* Divisible by 3
Given a string representation of a number, returns the number of variations of said input that is divisible by 3. The variations consist of changing one digit for each variation.
For example, "21"'s variations are:
mayonesa / Prime.scala
Last active February 4, 2022 17:23
Prime and count
// prime: cannot be divided by any number other than itself and 1 //import
trait Prime0 {
def isPrime(n: Int): Boolean
def countPrimes(n: Int): (Int, Prime0) //trait Prime
object Prime0 extends App {
private val InitPrimeCount = Seq(0, 0, 1, 2)
//object Prime
def apply(): Prime0 = new PrimeImpl(InitPrimeCount)
import cats.syntax.applicative._ // for pure
object PostOrderCalc {
type CalcState[A] = State[List[Int], A]
def evalInput(str: String): Int =
evalAll(str.split(" ").toList).runA(Nil).value
def evalAll(input: List[String]): CalcState[Int] =
mayonesa / Monoids.scala
Created July 14, 2019 01:31
Monoids, Functional Programming in Scala
trait Monoid[A] {
def op(a1: A, a2: A): A
def zero: A
val intAddition = new Monoid[Int] {
def op(int1: Int, int2: Int) = int1 + int2
def zero = 0
mayonesa / PyramidWins.scala
Last active February 4, 2022 17:25
Probability of the result of 9 4-sided (pyramidal) dice (faces: 1 -> 4) is greater than the result of 6 6-sided (cubic) dice (faces: 1 -> 6)
object PyramidWins extends App {
private def pdf(v: IndexedSeq[Int]) =
v.groupBy(identity).map { pair =>
(pair._1, pair._2.size / v.size.toFloat)
private val pyramids = pdf(for {
p1 <- 1 to 4
p2 <- 1 to 4
p3 <- 1 to 4
p4 <- 1 to 4
mayonesa / Mults3or5.scala
Last active February 4, 2022 17:25
Sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 (up to 1000)
import annotation.tailrec
object Mults3or5sum extends App {
private val limit = 1000
private def mults(multOf: Int) = {
def mults(i: Int, acc: Set[Int]): Set[Int] = {
val mult = multOf * i
if (mult >= limit) acc
else mults(i + 1, acc + mult)
mayonesa / P100.scala
Last active February 4, 2022 17:25
The partition function at 100
object P100 extends App {
private def p(bal: Int, summand: Int, m: Map[(Int, Int), Int]): (Int, Map[(Int, Int), Int]) =
if (bal < 0 || summand == 100) (0, m)
else if (bal == 0) (1, m)
else {
val (nSumsWithSummand, m1) = p0(bal - summand, summand, m)
val (nSumsWithoutSummand, m2) = p0(bal, summand + 1, m1)
(nSumsWithSummand + nSumsWithoutSummand, m2)
private def p0(b: Int, s: Int, m: Map[(Int, Int), Int]) =