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Created September 29, 2018 17:03
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Snippet to try out a concept of Go2 drafts (generics) using Python. #
#=> The relevant part is at line 30, where we define a method
# for more than one type at once. Both have field "baz".
# pylint: disable=E1101
# pylint: disable=E1111
# pylint: disable=E1120
def package_main(): # suppose that this scope is a go file
#___ Using Types:
@Type.Struct # One type
def Foo(
bar: int,
baz: str, # <== required
zaz: Any,
): pass
@Type.Struct # Another type
def Zoo(
baz: str, # <== required
): pass
@Func(Foo, Zoo) # <== Method for both types (Foo & Zoo)
def say(self):
print('###', self.baz, '###')
f = Foo(17, '(I\'m f)')
g = Foo(0, 'yaaaeeeey! (I\'m g)', f)
h = Zoo('look, I\'m from another type! (I\'m h)')
g.zaz = h
# Note: We use empty functions for structure definitions above for syntatic
# convenience. This avoids using tuples of strings or a maybe-unordered dict
#_____ "Go2-Like" Types definition using decorators:
from typing import Any
def Type(t):
global Type
setattr(Type, t.__name__, t)
return t
def Func(*tlist):
def wrap(f):
for t in tlist:
setattr(t, f.__name__, f)
return f
return wrap
def Struct(o):
import re
class lit(str): __repr__ = str.__str__
name = o.__name__
spec = o.__annotations__
keys = tuple(spec.keys())
def __repr__(self):
tab = ' '
s = name+'{'
for k in keys:
r = repr(getattr(self, k, None))
r = re.sub('\n', '\n'+tab, r)
s+='\n%s%s: %r' % (tab, k, lit(r))
return s+ '\n}'
def __init__(self, *ar, **kw):
for i, v in enumerate(ar):
setattr(self, self.__slots__[i], v)
for k, v in kw:
setattr(self, k, v)
T = type('Struct', (object,),dict(
__types__= spec,
__repr__= __repr__,
__str__ = __repr__,
__init__= __init__,
return T
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