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Created August 6, 2020 06:39
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An attempt at a well-typed implementation of Complete+Easy. Needless to say, it does not work.
module Bidir
Ident : Type
Ident = String
BaseCtx' : Type
Ctx' : BaseCtx' -> Type
CtxItem' : (b : BaseCtx') -> (c : Ctx' b) -> Type
Nil' : Ctx' b
Snoc' : (c : Ctx' b) -> CtxItem' b c -> Ctx' b
BaseNil' : BaseCtx'
BaseSnoc' : (b : BaseCtx') -> CtxItem' b (Nil' {b=b}) -> BaseCtx'
IsUVar' : Ident -> (b : BaseCtx') -> Ctx' b -> Type
IsEVar' : Ident -> (b : BaseCtx') -> Ctx' b -> Type
VarType' : (b : BaseCtx') -> (c : Ctx' b) -> Type
CtxUVar' : Ident -> CtxItem' b c
CtxEVar' : Ident -> Maybe (VarType' b c) -> CtxItem' b c
data CtxItem : (b : BaseCtx') -> (c : Ctx' b) -> Type where
CtxUVar : Ident -> CtxItem b c
CtxEVar : Ident -> Maybe (VarType' b c) -> CtxItem b c
||| Universal variables. These are implicitly universally quantified over.
data UVar : (b : BaseCtx') -> (c : Ctx' b) -> Type where
MkUVar : (name : Ident) -> IsUVar' name b c -> UVar b c
||| Existential variables. These (hopefully) all get solved for specific types.
data EVar : (b : BaseCtx') -> (c : Ctx' b) -> Type where
MkEVar : (name : Ident) -> IsEVar' name b c -> EVar b c
||| The type of terms in the language
data VarType : (b : BaseCtx') -> (c : Ctx' b) -> Type where
TUnit : VarType b c
TUVar : UVar b c -> VarType b c
TEVar : EVar b c -> VarType b c
TArrow : VarType b c -> VarType b c -> VarType b c
TForall : (name : Ident)
-> VarType b (Snoc' {b=b} c (CtxUVar' {b=b} {c=c} name))
-> VarType b c
data BaseCtx : Type where
BaseNil : BaseCtx
BaseSnoc : (ctx : BaseCtx') -> (i : CtxItem ctx (Nil' {b = ctx})) -> BaseCtx
data Ctx : BaseCtx' -> Type where
Nil : Ctx b
Snoc : (x : Ctx' b) -> CtxItem b x -> Ctx b
namespace UVar
public export
data IsUVar : (name : Ident) -> (b : BaseCtx') -> (c : Ctx' b) -> Type where
BaseHere : IsUVar name (BaseSnoc' b (CtxUVar' {b=b} {c=(Nil' {b=b})} name))
(Nil' {b=(BaseSnoc' b (CtxUVar' {b=b} {c=(Nil' {b=b})} name))})
BaseThere : IsUVar name b (Nil' {b=b})
-> IsUVar name (BaseSnoc' b i)
(Nil' {b=(BaseSnoc' b i)})
Here : IsUVar name b (Snoc' {b=b} c (CtxUVar' {b=b} {c=c} name))
There : IsUVar name b c -> IsUVar name b (Snoc' {b=b} c i)
namespace EVar
public export
data IsEVar : (name : Ident) -> (b : BaseCtx') -> (c : Ctx' b) -> Type where
BaseHere : IsEVar name (BaseSnoc' b (CtxEVar' {b=b} {c=(Nil' {b=b})} name ty))
(Nil' {b=(BaseSnoc' b (CtxEVar' {b=b} {c=(Nil' {b=b})} name ty))})
BaseThere : IsEVar name b (Nil' {b=b})
-> IsEVar name (BaseSnoc' b i)
(Nil' {b=(BaseSnoc' b i)})
Here : IsEVar name b (Snoc' {b=b} c (CtxEVar' {b=b} {c=c} name ty))
There : IsEVar name b c -> IsEVar name b (Snoc' {b=b} c i)
BaseCtx' = BaseCtx
BaseNil' = BaseNil
Ctx' = Ctx
Nil' = Nil
CtxItem' = CtxItem
BaseSnoc' = BaseSnoc
Snoc' = Snoc
IsUVar' = IsUVar
IsEVar' = IsEVar
VarType' = VarType
CtxUVar' = CtxUVar
CtxEVar' = CtxEVar
namespace BaseCtx
public export
(++) : (b : BaseCtx) -> (y : Ctx b) -> BaseCtx
namespace Ctx
public export
(++) : {0 b : BaseCtx} -> (xs : Ctx b) -> (ys : Ctx (b ++ xs)) -> Ctx b
appendNilId : {b : BaseCtx} -> (c : Ctx b) -> c ++ Nil = c
namespace BaseCtx
b ++ Nil = b
b ++ (Snoc ys y) = (b ++ ys) `BaseSnoc` rebase {ty=CtxItem} b ys Nil (rewrite appendNilId ys in y)
namespace Ctx
xs ++ Nil = xs
xs ++ (Snoc ys y) = (xs ++ ys) `Snoc` unrebase _ _ _ y
appendNilId c = Refl
weakenCtx : (0 b : BaseCtx)
-> (ys : Ctx b)
-> (xs : Ctx b)
-> Ctx (b ++ ys)
weakenCtx b ys Nil = Nil
weakenCtx b ys (Snoc xs x) with (weaken b xs ys Nil x)
weakenCtx b ys (Snoc xs x) | x' with (weakenCtx b ys xs)
weakenCtx b ys (Snoc xs x) | x' | rec = rec `Snoc` rebase _ _ _ x'
interface Rebase (ty : (b : BaseCtx) -> Ctx b -> Type) where
rebase : (0 b : BaseCtx)
-> (0 xs : Ctx b)
-> ( ys : Ctx (b ++ xs))
-> ty b (xs ++ ys) -> ty (b ++ xs) ys
unrebase : (0 b : BaseCtx)
-> (0 xs : Ctx b)
-> ( ys : Ctx (b ++ xs))
-> ty (b ++ xs) ys -> ty b (xs ++ ys)
weaken : (0 b : BaseCtx)
-> (0 xs : Ctx b)
-> ( ys : Ctx b)
-> ( zs : Ctx (b ++ (ys ++ weakenCtx b ys xs)))
-> ty b xs -> ty b ((ys ++ weakenCtx b ys xs) ++ zs)
Rebase CtxItem where
rebase b xs ys (CtxUVar name) = CtxUVar name
rebase b xs ys (CtxEVar name ty) = CtxEVar name $ map (rebase b xs ys) ty
unrebase b xs ys (CtxUVar name) = CtxUVar name
unrebase b xs ys (CtxEVar name ty) = CtxEVar name $ map (unrebase b xs ys) ty
weaken b xs ys zs (CtxUVar x) = CtxUVar x
weaken b xs ys zs (CtxEVar x y) = CtxEVar x $ map (weaken b xs ys zs) y
Rebase (IsUVar n) where
rebase (BaseSnoc b (CtxUVar n)) Nil Nil BaseHere = BaseHere
rebase (BaseSnoc b i) Nil Nil (BaseThere x) = BaseThere x
rebase b (Snoc c (CtxUVar n)) Nil Here = BaseHere
rebase b (Snoc c i) Nil (There x)
= BaseThere $ rebase _ _ _ x
rebase b xs (Snoc ys (CtxUVar n)) Here = Here
rebase b xs (Snoc ys y) (There x) = There $ rebase _ _ _ x
unrebase b xs (Snoc ys (CtxUVar n)) Here = Here
unrebase b xs (Snoc ys y) (There x) = There $ unrebase _ _ _ x
unrebase b xs Nil Here impossible
weaken (BaseSnoc b (CtxUVar n)) Nil Nil Nil BaseHere = BaseHere
weaken (BaseSnoc b (CtxUVar n)) Nil (Snoc ys y) Nil BaseHere = There $ weaken _ Nil ys Nil BaseHere
weaken (BaseSnoc b i) Nil Nil Nil (BaseThere x) = BaseThere x
weaken (BaseSnoc b i) Nil (Snoc ys y) Nil (BaseThere x) = There $ weaken _ Nil ys Nil (BaseThere x)
weaken b (Snoc xs (CtxUVar n)) ys Nil Here = Here
weaken b (Snoc xs i) ys Nil (There x) = There $ weaken b xs ys Nil x
weaken b xs ys (Snoc zs z) x = There $ weaken _ _ _ _ x
Rebase (IsEVar n) where
rebase (BaseSnoc b (CtxEVar n ty)) Nil Nil BaseHere = BaseHere
rebase (BaseSnoc b i) Nil Nil (BaseThere x) = BaseThere x
rebase b (Snoc c (CtxEVar n ty)) Nil Here = BaseHere
rebase b (Snoc c i) Nil (There x)
= BaseThere $ rebase _ _ _ x
rebase b xs (Snoc ys (CtxEVar n ty)) Here = Here
rebase b xs (Snoc ys y) (There x) = There $ rebase _ _ _ x
unrebase b xs (Snoc ys (CtxEVar n ty)) Here = Here
unrebase b xs (Snoc ys y) (There x) = There $ unrebase _ _ _ x
unrebase b xs Nil Here impossible
weaken (BaseSnoc b (CtxEVar n ty)) Nil Nil Nil BaseHere = BaseHere
weaken (BaseSnoc b (CtxEVar n ty)) Nil (Snoc ys y) Nil BaseHere = There $ weaken _ Nil ys Nil BaseHere
weaken (BaseSnoc b i) Nil Nil Nil (BaseThere x) = BaseThere x
weaken (BaseSnoc b i) Nil (Snoc ys y) Nil (BaseThere x) = There $ weaken _ Nil ys Nil (BaseThere x)
weaken b (Snoc xs (CtxEVar n ty)) ys Nil Here = Here
weaken b (Snoc xs i) ys Nil (There x) = There $ weaken b xs ys Nil x
weaken b xs ys (Snoc zs z) x = There $ weaken _ _ _ _ x
Rebase UVar where
rebase b xs ys (MkUVar name x) = MkUVar name $ rebase _ _ _ x
unrebase b xs ys (MkUVar name x) = MkUVar name $ unrebase _ _ _ x
weaken b xs ys zs (MkUVar name x) = MkUVar name $ weaken _ _ _ _ x
Rebase EVar where
rebase b xs ys (MkEVar name x) = MkEVar name $ rebase _ _ _ x
unrebase b xs ys (MkEVar name x) = MkEVar name $ unrebase _ _ _ x
weaken b xs ys zs (MkEVar name x) = MkEVar name $ weaken _ _ _ _ x
Rebase VarType where
rebase b xs ys TUnit = TUnit
rebase b xs ys (TUVar v) = TUVar $ rebase _ _ _ v
rebase b xs ys (TEVar v) = TEVar $ rebase _ _ _ v
rebase b xs ys (TArrow x y) = TArrow (rebase _ _ _ x) (rebase _ _ _ y)
rebase b xs ys (TForall name x) = TForall name $ rebase _ _ _ x
unrebase b xs ys TUnit = TUnit
unrebase b xs ys (TUVar x) = TUVar $ unrebase _ _ _ x
unrebase b xs ys (TEVar x) = TEVar $ unrebase _ _ _ x
unrebase b xs ys (TArrow x y) = TArrow (unrebase _ _ _ x) (unrebase _ _ _ y)
unrebase b xs ys (TForall name x) = TForall name $ unrebase _ _ _ x
weaken b xs ys zs TUnit = TUnit
weaken b xs ys zs (TUVar x) = TUVar $ weaken _ _ _ _ x
weaken b xs ys zs (TEVar x) = TEVar $ weaken _ _ _ _ x
weaken b xs ys zs (TArrow x y) = TArrow (weaken _ _ _ _ x) (weaken _ _ _ _ y)
weaken b xs ys zs (TForall name x) = TForall name $ ?weaken_hole
-------------- proofs ---------------
snocInj : Snoc xs x = Snoc ys y -> xs = ys
snocInj Refl = Refl
interface Rebase ty => LegitRebase (ty : (b : BaseCtx) -> Ctx b -> Type) where
rebaseUnrebase : (b : BaseCtx)
-> (xs : Ctx b)
-> (ys : Ctx (b ++ xs))
-> (eq : b ++ (xs ++ ys) = (b ++ xs) ++ ys)
-> (i : ty (b ++ xs) ys)
-> i = rebase b xs ys (unrebase b xs ys i)
LegitRebase CtxItem where
rebaseUnrebase b xs ys eq (CtxUVar name) = Refl
rebaseUnrebase b xs ys eq (CtxEVar name Nothing) = Refl
-- *** This gives a really weird error message when you use that definition
-- Bidir.idr:232:58--232:85:While processing right hand side of rebaseUnrebase at Bidir.idr:232:5--234:3:
-- Can't solve constraint between:
-- rebase b xs ys (unrebase b xs ys ty)
-- and
-- rebase b xs ys (unrebase b xs ys ty)
-- at:
-- 232 rebaseUnrebase b xs ys eq (CtxEVar name (Just ty)) = cong (CtxEVar name . Just) $ rebaseUnrebase b xs ys eq ty
-- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
rebaseUnrebase b xs ys eq (CtxEVar name (Just ty)) = ?hole1 -- cong (CtxEVar name . Just) $ rebaseUnrebase b xs ys eq ty
LegitRebase (IsUVar n) where
rebaseUnrebase b xs Nil eq Here impossible
rebaseUnrebase b xs (Snoc ys (CtxUVar n)) eq Here = Refl
-- *** This line gives the empty error message -- not sure at all what it means
rebaseUnrebase b xs (Snoc ys i) eq (There x) with (rebaseUnrebase b xs ys (snocInj eq) x)
rebaseUnrebase b xs (Snoc ys i) eq (There x) | ind = ?hole
LegitRebase (IsEVar n) where
rebaseUnrebase b xs ys eq x = ?hole2
LegitRebase UVar where
rebaseUnrebase b xs ys eq x = ?hole3
LegitRebase EVar where
rebaseUnrebase b xs ys eq x = ?hole4
LegitRebase VarType where
rebaseUnrebase b xs ys eq x = ?hole5
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