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Created August 6, 2011 20:38
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A simple class to retreive the latest tweets for a user.
define('_JEXEC', 1);
require_once __DIR__ . '/libraries/import.legacy.php';
* Simple class to retreive some tweets from Twitter and display using the Joomla! Platform CLI
* Note: This file must be placed at the root of your Joomla! Platform checkout
* @author Michael Babker
class LatestTweets extends JApplicationCli
public function doExecute()
// Explain what is going on
$this->out('This application retreives the latest tweets from a user on Twitter.', true);
// Get the username
$this->out('What is the Twitter username?');
$username = $this->in();
// Get the number of tweets
$this->out('How many tweets would you like?');
$count = $this->in();
// Make sure the user has some hits on their account
$hits = $this->getLimit($username);
if ($hits == 0)
$this->out('This user has no hits available at this time.');
// The URL to request the Twitter data from
$req = '' . $count . '&screen_name=' . $username . '&include_rts=1';
// Get the data
$obj = $this->getJSON($req);
// Process the data
$twitter = $this->processItem($obj);
// Output the tweets
foreach ($twitter as $o)
$this->out($o->tweet->text . ' tweeted ' . $o->tweet->created, true);
* Function to fetch a JSON feed
* @param string $req The URL of the feed to load
* @return array The fetched JSON query
protected function getJSON($req)
// Create a new CURL resource
$ch = curl_init($req);
// Set options
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
// Grab URL and pass it to the browser and store it as $json
$json = curl_exec($ch);
// Close CURL resource
// Decode the fetched JSON
$obj = json_decode($json, true);
return $obj;
* Function to get the rate limit of a Twitter user
* @param string $username The Twitter username
* @return string The number of remaining hits on a user's rate limit
protected function getLimit($username)
// Load the parameters
$req = '' . $username;
// Fetch the decoded JSON
$obj = $this->getJSON($req);
// Get the remaining hits count
if (isset ($obj['remaining_hits']))
$hits = $obj['remaining_hits'];
$hits = '';
return $hits;
* Function to process the Twitter feed into a formatted object
* @param array $obj The data from Twitter
* @return object The output
protected function processItem($obj)
// Initialize
$twitter = array();
$i = 0;
// Load the relative time language strings
JFactory::getLanguage()->load('jhtmldate', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/joomla/html', null, false, false);
// Process the feed
foreach ($obj as $o)
// Initialize a new object
$twitter[$i]->tweet = new stdClass();
// The data we're using
$twitter[$i]->tweet->user = $o['user']['screen_name'];
$twitter[$i]->tweet->text = $o['text'];
// Set the dates for the relative time string
$tweetTime = JFactory::getDate($o['created_at'], 'UTC');
$twitter[$i]->tweet->created = JHtml::_('date.relative', $tweetTime, null, JFactory::getDate('now', 'UTC'));
return $twitter;
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