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Last active February 15, 2025 20:21
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summarize_json - Summarize JSON Structure (keys and data types)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Gives a quick summary of the structure of a JSON file, including the keys, object types, and
# leaf node types. Provides a count of each data type so you can quickly tell which data points
# are common.
# Example:
# Without values:
# $ curl -sS '' | python summarize_json
# 12196 .{features}[].{geometry}.{coordinates}[][][] float (12171), int (25)
# 9232 .{features}[].{geometry}.{coordinates}[][][][] float (9191), int (41)
# 180 .{features}[].{geometry}.{type} str (180)
# 180 .{features}[].{id} str (180)
# 180 .{features}[].{properties}.{name} str (180)
# 180 .{features}[].{type} str (180)
# 1 .{type} str (1)
# With values:
# $ curl -sS '' | python summarize_json -v
# 12196 .{features}[].{geometry}.{coordinates}[][][] float (12171), int (25)
# - 22 (9)
# - 25 (9)
# - 34.559989 (7)
# - 27.656426 (6)
# - 61.210817 (5)
# [...]
# 180 .{features}[].{geometry}.{type} str (180)
# - Polygon (150)
# - MultiPolygon (30)
# [...]
# 1 .{type} str (1)
# - FeatureCollection (1)
# From which I can see that I can extract data like this:
# $ curl -sS '' | jq '.features[0] | [ .id, .geometry.coordinates[0][0][0:2] ]'
# [
# "AFG",
# [
# 61.210817,
# 35.650072
# ]
# ]
import sys
import json
import fileinput
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
class Summarizer:
def __init__(self):
self.key_counts = Counter()
self.key_types = defaultdict(lambda: Counter())
self.key_values = defaultdict(lambda: Counter())
def summarize(self, data, parent_key=None):
parent_key = parent_key or ""
if isinstance(data, list):
for i, item in enumerate(data):
self.summarize(item, "%s[]" % (parent_key))
elif isinstance(data, dict):
for i, item in data.items():
self.summarize(item, "%s.{%s}" % (parent_key, i))
self.key_counts[parent_key] += 1
self.key_types[parent_key][type(data).__name__] += 1
self.key_values[parent_key][data] += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
show_values = False
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and (sys.argv[1] == "-v" or sys.argv[1] == "--values"):
show_values = True
del sys.argv[1]
raw = "".join(fileinput.input())
data = json.loads(raw)
sum = Summarizer()
key_length = max([len(key) for key in sum.key_counts.keys()])
for key in sorted(sum.key_counts.keys()):
types = ", ".join(
["%s (%d)" % (t, sum.key_types[key][t]) for t in sum.key_types[key]]
types = types.replace("NoneType", "None")
print(f"%5d %-{key_length}s %-30s" % (sum.key_counts[key], key, types))
if show_values:
values = sorted(
key=lambda x: sum.key_values[key][x],
for value in values[0:5]:
if value is None:
if value is not None and isinstance(value, str) and len(value) > 30:
value = f"{value[0:27]}..."
count = sum.key_values[key][value]
print(f" %{key_length}s - %s (%d)" % ("", value, count))
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sween commented Nov 8, 2024

love this, thanks, fit the bill.

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mbafford commented Nov 9, 2024

@sween Oh, thank you! I kind of forgot about this and should use this more often.

Another tool I use more often these days is gron.

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