- To install the cli, you will do
npm install -g realm-cli
- To aim the cli at a host you can do it either of 3 ways
realm-cli -h "localhost:9080" ..args
realm-cli -host "localhost:9080"" ...args
- To set a host for future commands simply call
realm-cli use "localhost:9080"
- To clear a host
realm-cli use ""
orrealm-cli use
Services are hosted by a service host. Generally an express app that is running as a a simple http/websocket server.
All services must have a way to:
- start
realm-cli -host "localhost:9080"" -s "auth" start
- stop
realm-cli -host "localhost:9080"" -s "auth" stop
- get status
realm-cli -host "localhost:9080"" -s "auth" status
- observe status
realm-cli -host "localhost:9080"" -s "auth" -watch status
- observe log
realm-cli -host "localhost:9080"" -s "auth" -watch log
You can pass a service name to use or disuse `realm-cli -h "localhost:9080" -s "auth" -change-password -u "[email protected]" -p "ilovesushi"