Make connections and start thinking about leadership:
- What roles you tend to fill in groups
- What you do when things get hard
- Your decision making process
- What you value in others and what drives you crazy
- OB and teaching background... how I've used this tool
- How knowing my styles helps me
- Labelled as a leadership style exercise, but valuable in knowing how you are in groups.
- Be able to share your strengths with your group, and know where you may need support from others.
- Introduce the continuums- where do you most likely fall?
- Discuss each quadrant and it's strengths/ challenges
- Secondary style usually on same plane, not diagonal
- Be aware of your style
- Use strengths to contribute, and know what's often difficult for you
- What happens with too many of anything? Nothing of something (no drivers?)?
- Recognize what each different style can bring to a group