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Created November 30, 2011 15:56
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Python implementation of Mifare AES-128 simmetric key diversification, as described in document AN10922
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from bitstring import BitArray, Bits
(key, m) = (BitArray(hex='00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF'), BitArray(hex='00000000000000000000000000000000'))
const_rb = BitArray(hex='00000000000000000000000000000087')
k0 = BitArray('hex'))
k0_msb = k0.bin[2:][0:1]
k1 = None
if k0_msb == '0':
k1 = k0 << 1
k1 = (k0 << 1) ^ const_rb
print "K0: {k0}, K1: {k1}".format(k0=k0, k1=k1)
k1_msb = k1.bin[2:][0:1]
k2 = None
if k1_msb == '0':
k2 = k1 << 1
k2 = (k1 << 1) ^ const_rb
print "K2: {k2}".format(k2=k2)
div_constant = BitArray(hex='01')
uid = BitArray(hex='04782E21801D80')
aid = BitArray(hex='3042F5')
sysid = BitArray(hex='4E585020416275')
m = BitArray().join([uid, aid, sysid])
d = BitArray().join([div_constant, m])
# Pad it up to 32 bytes, starting with 0x80 and continuing with 0x00
padded = False
if len(d.bytes) < 32:
# Padding is needed
padded = True
while len(d.bytes) < 32:
print "d size: %s" % len(d.bytes)
xor_component = None
if padded:
xor_component = k2
xor_component = k1
xored_d = BitArray().join([ d[0:16*8], d[16*8:] ^ xor_component ])
print "xored_d: %s" % xored_d
ek_xored_d = BitArray()
BLOCK_SIZE = 16 * 8 # Constant
# Split data in 16-bytes long pieces
data_blocks = [xored_d[i:i+BLOCK_SIZE] for i in range(0, len(xored_d), BLOCK_SIZE)]
c =, AES.MODE_CBC, BitArray(hex='00'*16).bytes)
for block in data_blocks:
print "ek_xored_d: %s" % ek_xored_d
cmac = ek_xored_d[-16*8:]
print "cmac: ", cmac
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gausie commented Aug 23, 2013

Could you possibly explain how I could use this to authetnticate a DESFIRE card? I'm using RFIDIOT for communication with it thusfar.

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Liryna commented Sep 17, 2013

Hi gausie,

This code will only help you to make a key diversification but not a authentication to a DESFire card.
If you want to make a authentication, you should use this library:
Logicalaccess is able to execute a authenticate DESFire and support much more card and reader.

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Hi can you help with a Java implementation

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Hi, any idea why the calculation of k0_msb has to strip the first to 2 bits from k0 first, i.e. k0_msb = k0.bin[2:][0:1], not k0.bin[0:1]?

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