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Last active August 9, 2024 13:55
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Example API Calls Using Powershell and Bash/curl for Omada Controller (last validated on 5.12.7)
### PowerShell Example
# set variables
$USERNAME = "admin"
$PASSWORD = "test12345"
# get controller id from the API
$CONTROLLER_ID = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${OMADA_URL}/api/info" -Method Get -UseBasicParsing).result.omadacId
# set the login request body as json
$loginRequestBody = @{
username = $USERNAME
password = $PASSWORD
} | ConvertTo-Json
# login, get token, set a session variable
$loginResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${OMADA_URL}/${CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/login" -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $loginRequestBody -SessionVariable OmadaSession
# extract the token and create a variable for the headers
$TOKEN = $loginResponse.result.token
$RequestHeaders = @{
"Csrf-Token" = $TOKEN
"Content-Type" = "application/json"
# validate login
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${OMADA_URL}/${CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/loginStatus?token=${TOKEN}" -Method Get -Headers $RequestHeaders -WebSession $OmadaSession
# example to get info on the current user
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${OMADA_URL}/${CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/users/current?token=${TOKEN}&currentPage=1&currentPageSize=1000" -Method Get -Headers $RequestHeaders -WebSession $OmadaSession
### Bash Example
# set variables
# get controller id from the API
CONTROLLER_ID="$(curl -sk "${OMADA_URL}/api/info" | jq -r .result.omadacId)"
# login, get token, set & use cookies
TOKEN="$(curl -sk -X POST -c "/tmp/omada-cookies.txt" -b "/tmp/omada-cookies.txt" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "${OMADA_URL}/${CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/login" -d '{"username": "'"${USERNAME}"'", "password": "'"${PASSWORD}"'"}' | jq -r .result.token)"
# once logged in, make sure you add the following header on additional API calls:
# -H "Csrf-Token: ${TOKEN}"
# validate login
curl -sk -X GET -b "/tmp/omada-cookies.txt" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Csrf-Token: ${TOKEN}" "${OMADA_URL}/${CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/loginStatus?token=${TOKEN}" | jq .
# example to get info on the current user
curl -sk -X GET -b "/tmp/omada-cookies.txt" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Csrf-Token: ${TOKEN}" "${OMADA_URL}/${CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/users/current?token=${TOKEN}&currentPage=1&currentPageSize=1000"
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Do you have one example with the new api V3 or the documentation link?

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There's a new v3 API? I hadn't seen anything about that and it doesn't look like the app itself uses anything that's listed as a v3 API. Here is where the API documentation came from:

Post 27 has the API from version 5 of the controller:

That thread has the most info I've seen.

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That script doesn't work for me. I'm using Python3 on Ubuntu 22.04. It gives a syntax error in line 9 at the first $.

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mbentley commented Jun 4, 2023

Hard to tell without the error but do you have jq installed?

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lugaetsch commented Jun 9, 2023

Hi @mbentley - this post helped us a lot! Still struggeling with the API with PATCH-requests!
Would you please give me a hint how to patch my SSID? In my newbie-understanding: PATCH means change of json parameters provided on existing SSID-IDs are only updating the parameters i give with -d command in curl commands, right?

Not very familiar with the syntax, but regarding to your post it should be like this:
curl -sk -X PATCH -b "/tmp/omada-cookies.txt" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Csrf-Token: ${TOKEN}" "${OMADA_URL}/$#{CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/sites/${SITE_ID}/setting/wlans/${WLANG_ID}/ssids/${SSID_ID}" -d '{"guestNetEnable": true}' | jq .

My output is like this:

+ curl -sk -X PATCH -b /tmp/omada-cookies.txt -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Csrf-Token: 7773437e2aac4dc0855c3e66f7a623a5' 'https://localhost:8043/0{CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/sites/xxx/setting/wlans/xxxx/ssids/xxxxx' -d '{guestNetEnable: true}'
+ jq .

container-logs tell me:
06-09-2023 10:05:00.061 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.b.a(): manager maintenance Handling event: org.springframework.boot.context.event.ApplicationStartedEvent[source=org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication@48ebe700] 06-09-2023 10:05:05.781 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.TransportConfiguration(): upgradeSendReq workGroup core thread num is 1, max thread num is 1 06-09-2023 10:05:02.940 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.d.m.m.c.DeviceMsgConfig(): setMsgThreadPool thread coreSize is 2, maxSize is 2,queue size is 4500 06-09-2023 12:38:18.121 INFO [https-jsse-nio-8043-exec-10] [] c.t.s.o.p.p.a.k(): Received invalid PortalBatchQueryDTO: PortalBatchQueryDTO(omadacId=c8b3f6990521069893312536078fa709, siteId=6482c7dc3b76be5b1487f19f, portalIds=[]) 06-09-2023 12:37:47.339 INFO [https-jsse-nio-8043-exec-9] [] c.t.s.o.p.p.a.k(): Received invalid PortalBatchQueryDTO: PortalBatchQueryDTO(omadacId=c8b3f6990521069893312536078fa709, siteId=6482c7dc3b76be5b1487f19f, portalIds=[]) 06-09-2023 13:12:38.017 INFO [https-jsse-nio-8043-exec-5] [] c.t.s.o.p.p.a.k(): Received invalid PortalBatchQueryDTO: PortalBatchQueryDTO(omadacId=c8b3f6990521069893312536078fa709, siteId=6482c7dc3b76be5b1487f19f, portalIds=[])

Where did you get the port from your OMADA_URL-Variable? Mine is 8043 as it is declared in the docker-compose file for the Managment-Port!? GET-requests work like charm with this :)

Thanks in advance!

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mbentley commented Jun 9, 2023

The port was just a mis-type as I actually just use 443 on my own controller. It's just the https port though.

As for figuring out the APIs and what they need, I usually just try to do something in the UI and check out the API calls that the interface makes in my browser's dev tools to make sure that I am doing things right. Like what you're doing on my own network, it uses the following payload for the PATCH request:


So it looks like it is including more than just the one value as a more verbose curl returns:

{"errorCode":-1001,"msg":"Invalid request parameters."}

You might have to parse the response from where it looks like it's pulling the existing data from at this API endpoint: /${CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/sites/Default/setting/wlans/xxxxxxxx/ssids?currentPage=1&currentPageSize=10

I did a PATCH via curl with the full payload and it worked, returning {"errorCode":0,"msg":"Success."}.

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eugen257 commented Aug 24, 2023

Can't tell me why I always get the following:

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Hard to tell without further detail but this is just the login page as HTML.

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An example of a request:

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${OMADA_URL}/${CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/sites/Default/devices" -Method Get -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $CsrfTokenHeader -UseBasicParsing

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I will have to give it a shot with PowerShell when I get a chance. I haven't done so before.

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eugen257 commented Aug 25, 2023

### Set variables
$OMADA_URL = "https://URL"
$USERNAME = "username"
$PASSWORD = "password"

### Get controller id from the API
$CONTROLLER_ID = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${OMADA_URL}/api/info" -Method Get -UseBasicParsing).result.omadacId

### Login, get token, set & use cookies
$loginRequestBody = @{
     username = $USERNAME
     password = $PASSWORD
 } | ConvertTo-Json

$loginResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${OMADA_URL}/${CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/login" -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $loginRequestBody -SessionVariable session

$TOKEN = $loginResponse.result.token
$CsrfTokenHeader = @{
     "Csrf-Token" = $TOKEN
     "Content-Type" = "application/json"

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${OMADA_URL}/${CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/sites/Default/devices" -Method Get -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $CsrfTokenHeader -UseBasicParsing

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xnaron commented Sep 27, 2023

Is this still working with the latest controller released Sep 19, 2023?

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Is this still working with the latest controller released Sep 19, 2023?


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@eugen257 - so the only issue with your powershell is that you set the session variable but you never use it. According to this powershell reference, you need to use -WebSession $session to reference in in PowerShell 7.3 or older. I added a complete working example of a powershell above in the gist that matches what the bash example does.

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eugen257 commented Feb 23, 2024

@mbentley can you tell me how I can read all the settings and most importantly the MAC whitelist filter

It doesn't show anything useful. and the documentation also does not have a clear understanding of how to do this:

(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${OMADA_URL}/${CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/sites/638ef74e14f65e09652531f5/setting/firewall/macfilters?token=${TOKEN}" -Method Get -Headers $RequestHeaders -WebSession $OmadaSession).result

Screenshot 2024-02-23 191908

Why is the list not active here and I can’t activate it?

$macFilterConfig = @{
enable = $true

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$OMADA_URL/$OMADAC_ID/api/v2/sites/$SITE_ID/setting/firewall/macfilter" -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body ($macFilterConfig | ConvertTo-Json) -Headers $RequestHeaders -UseBasicParsing -WebSession $OmadaSession

    0 Success. @{enable=False}

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nklamann commented Jun 4, 2024

I wrote a similar example for the new openapi . See this gist

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That doesn't work for me. What works is this but I still can't find how to add devices to the whitelist:

'### PowerShell Example'
'# set variables'
'$OMADA_URL = "https://omada.local" '
'$USERNAME = "login" '
'$PASSWORD = "pass" '

'# get controller id from the API'
'$CONTROLLER_ID = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${OMADA_URL}/api/info" -Method Get -UseBasicParsing).result.omadacId'

'# set the login request body as json
'$loginRequestBody = @{
username = $USERNAME
password = $PASSWORD
} | ConvertTo-Json'

'# login, get token, set a session variable'
'$loginResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${OMADA_URL}/${CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/login" -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $loginRequestBody -SessionVariable OmadaSession'

'# extract the token and create a variable for the headers'
'$TOKEN = $loginResponse.result.token'
'$RequestHeaders = @{
"Csrf-Token" = $TOKEN
"Content-Type" = "application/json"

'# validate login'
'Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${OMADA_URL}/${CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/loginStatus?token=${TOKEN}" -Method Get -Headers $RequestHeaders -WebSession $OmadaSession'

'# example to get info on the current user'
'$CurrentUser = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${OMADA_URL}/${CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/users/current?token=${TOKEN}&currentPage=1&currentPageSize=1000" -Method Get -Headers $RequestHeaders -WebSession $OmadaSession'

'$SITE = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${OMADA_URL}/${CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/sites?currentPage=1&currentPageSize=1000" -Method Get -Headers $RequestHeaders -WebSession $OmadaSession)'
'$SITE_ID = $'

'(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${OMADA_URL}/${CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/sites/${SITE_ID}/devices" -Method Get -Headers $RequestHeaders -WebSession $OmadaSession).result | select name'

'(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${OMADA_URL}/${CONTROLLER_ID}/api/v2/sites/${SITE_ID}/setting?currentPage=1&currentPageSize=1000" -Method Get -Headers $RequestHeaders -WebSession $OmadaSession).result #| select name'

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