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Last active August 11, 2022 02:23
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Install htop on Firewalla
# 2.1
# Put this script in ~/.firewalla/config/post_main.d in order to resinstall after upgrades
if ! [ -w $log ] ; then
sudo touch $log
sudo chmod a+w $log
edate=$(date +'%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y')
command_exists () {
command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1;
if command_exists $app; then
echo -e "\n\n$app instaleld!\n bye"
echo "$app could not be found"
echo "installing..."
unalias apt
unalias apt-get
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
sudo apt-get update -yq
sudo apt-get install -yq $app
echo -e "$edate $app instaleld!" | tee -a $log
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mbierman commented Feb 5, 2022

Want to have speedtest htop on Firewalla Gold? See this for additional info on Firewalla installation.

Firewalla may remove anything installed after upgrades so you can install a script to reinstall for you after firewalla upgrades and possibly reboots.

Log in to firewalla with ssh. Then type:
cd ~/.firewalla/config/post_main.d/

if no directory is found

mkdir ~/.firewalla/config/post_main.d/
cd ~/.firewalla/config/post_main.d/

Then save this script and make it executable using vi or nano. For example
sudo vi

Copy/Paste this script at and save and close.

This should give you a file at ~/.firewalla/config/post_main.d/

Then change permissions and run it.

sudo chmod a+x

This will now run every time firewalla boots or upgrades. If htop isn’t found, it will be installed.

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