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Last active August 17, 2018 14:59
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  • Save mblanchard/7bc14ed8f0414c484490c3697c398f33 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Finding recent commits for standup
# Finds commits made in the last day by a particular author, using `git log`
# Expects `git` in the path
# Can be run from repo or directory of repos
# Handling of recursion depth and identifying repos could be improved
# See Git docs for '--since' and '--pretty' format:
[string]$sinceDate = "yesterday.midnight"
Get-ChildItem \*\*\*,\*\*,\* -directory -Hidden .git | % {
$logOutput = (git -C $_.fullname shortlog --date=local --since=$sinceDate --author=$user) | Out-String
if ($logOutput){
echo "`n"$_.fullname;
git -C $_.fullname log --date=local --since=$sinceDate --author=$user --pretty=format:" %C(magenta)%ar %Cgreen%s"
} -EA SilentlyContinue
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