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Created November 12, 2021 12:03
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* Dealing with TMDB genres?
* This will help you fix that
fun getGenre(ids:List<Int>):String{
var genre=""
for(i in ids ){
when (i) {
28 -> genre+="Action|"
12 -> genre+="Adventure|"
16 -> genre+="Animation|"
35 -> genre+="Comedy|"
80 -> genre+="Crime|"
99 -> genre+="Documentary|"
18 -> genre+="Drama|"
10751 -> genre+="Family|"
14 -> genre+="Fantasy|"
36 -> genre+="History|"
27 -> genre+="Horror|"
10402 -> genre+="Music|"
9648 -> genre+="Mystery|"
10749 -> genre+="Romance|"
878 -> genre+="Science Fiction|"
10770 -> genre+="TV Movie|"
53 -> genre+="Thriller|"
10752 -> genre+="War|"
37 -> genre+="Western|"
else -> genre+="Unresolved symbol:"+i
return genre
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