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Michael Bolli mbolli

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mbolli / get-autoscout24-favourites-as-csv.js
Last active April 19, 2023 11:41
Get favourites as csv
// This script works on the following page:
// Paste into excel or similar to do further processing
const merkliste = [];
const cars = document.querySelectorAll('article.vehicle-card');
cars.forEach((car, i) => {
const name = car.querySelector(".vehicle-info > .text-body > div:nth-child(1) .font-weight-bold.text").innerHTML;
let year = car.querySelector(".vehicle-info span.vehicle-tech-spec:nth-child(1)")?.innerHTML;
let km = car.querySelector(".vehicle-info > .text-body span.vehicle-tech-spec:nth-child(2)")?.innerHTML;
let hp = car.querySelector(".vehicle-info > .text-body span.vehicle-tech-spec:nth-child(3)")?.innerHTML;
mbolli /
Last active March 1, 2025 05:08
GPS/NMEA collector setup (gpsd/prometheus/grafana)

GPS/NMEA collector setup

Grafana screenshot


  • GPS Receiver: Teltonika RUTX11 Router with enabled NMEA Forwarding (set to the IP of the Raspberry and TCP port 2948)
  • GPS Antenna: TE Connectivity 2x2 MIMO 2G/3G/4G WLAN GPS/GNSS Antenna
  • Collector: Raspberry Pi 4 2GB with latest Raspberry Pi OS
mbolli /
Created January 23, 2018 14:09
Gets the size of the current folder's contents, as long as they're older than the year specified. Useful for scanning through a big directory, if you want to archive stuff older than x years. Ignores Thumbs.db and .DS_Store files.
# Usage:
# To get total size of files older than 2013
# > 2013
# To get total size overall just take "du -h"...
if [ "$maxyear" == "" ]; then

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