This stacked area chart is constructed from a TSV file storing the market share of several popular web browsers over the last year. Data is from Clicky Web Analytics. The chart employs conventional margins and a number of D3 features:
- d3.tsv - load and parse data
- d3.timeFormat - parse dates
- d3.format - format percentages
- d3.scaleTime - x-position encoding
- d3.scaleLinear - y-position encoding
- d3.scaleOrdinal, d3.schemeCategory20 - color encoding
- d3.extent - compute domains
- d3.stack - compute stacked y-positions
- d3.axisBottom, d3.axisLeft - display axes
- d3.area - display area shape
@tschieggem I'm pretty sure that's inaccurate. It's not mentioned explicitly in the docs but the examples there use node-style callbacks as well. Also this example works on the blocks site. And most importantly, the code disagrees.
So I'm assuming you're putting forth an opinion on what the callback signature should be. This probably isn't the place to make a proposal like that (maybe you're looking for the issues?). Moreover, the API has standardized on the widely used node-style callbacks, so it's unlikely to change.