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Last active September 19, 2024 20:05
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The following feature is 100% pure Swift code. It compiles for a multitude of platforms,
include iOS, macOS, Linux, Windows, Wasm, and more. It encapsulates all of the logic
and behavior for the feature so that the view can concentrate on just the UI by reading
state from the model and invoking methods on the model.
import Dependencies
import FactClient
import Perception
import SwiftNavigation
public class CounterModel: HashableObject {
@Dependency(FactClient.self) var factClient
@Dependency(\.continuousClock) var clock
public var alert: AlertState<Never>? {
didSet {
if alert == nil, shouldResumeTimerAfterFactDismissal {
shouldResumeTimerAfterFactDismissal = false
public var count = 0
public var factIsLoading = false
private var timerTask: Task<Void, Error>?
private var shouldResumeTimerAfterFactDismissal = false
public var isTimerRunning: Bool { timerTask != nil }
public init() {}
public func incrementButtonTapped() {
count += 1
alert = nil
public func decrementButtonTapped() {
count -= 1
alert = nil
public func factButtonTapped() async {
alert = nil
factIsLoading = true
defer { factIsLoading = false }
shouldResumeTimerAfterFactDismissal = isTimerRunning
do {
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1))
let fact = try await factClient.fetch(count)
alert = AlertState {
} message: {
} catch {
public func toggleTimerButtonTapped() {
if isTimerRunning {
} else {
private func startTimer() {
timerTask = Task {
for await _ in clock.timer(interval: .seconds(1)) {
count += 1
private func stopTimer() {
timerTask = nil
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