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Created October 18, 2014 14:05
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Proof of De Morgan's law in Swift
// ~(P ∨ Q) = ~P ∧ ~Q
enum Nothing {}
struct Not <A> {
let not: A -> Nothing
init (_ not: A -> Nothing) { self.not = not }
struct And <A, B> {
let lhs: A
let rhs: B
init (_ lhs: A, _ rhs: B) { self.lhs = lhs; self.rhs = rhs }
enum Or <A, B> {
case lhs(@autoclosure () -> A)
case rhs(@autoclosure () -> B)
//// NOT(A) AND NOT(B) => NOT(A OR B)
func dmg1 <A, B> (f: And<Not<A>, Not<B>>) -> Not<Or<A, B>> {
return Not<Or<A, B>> {(x: Or<A, B>) in
switch x {
case let .lhs(a):
return f.lhs.not(a())
case let .rhs(b):
return f.rhs.not(b())
//// NOT(A OR B) => NOT(A) AND NOT(B)
func dmg2 <A, B> (f: Not<Or<A, B>>) -> And<Not<A>, Not<B>> {
return And<Not<A>, Not<B>>(
Not<A> {a in f.not(.lhs(a))},
Not<B> {b in f.not(.rhs(b))}
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