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Last active November 4, 2024 01:35
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Circular doubly-linked lists.
Each list is accessed via a cursor that owns the whole structure.
Operations: insert, delete, fold, cursor movement forward and backward.
From iris.program_logic Require Export weakestpre.
From iris.proofmode Require Export proofmode.
From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang.
From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation array.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
(* Notations to pretend we have structs. *)
Definition offset_val: Z := 0.
Definition offset_next: Z := 1.
Definition offset_prev: Z := 2.
Local Notation "ptr .val" := (ptr +ₗ #offset_val)%E
(at level 8, format "ptr .val") : expr_scope.
Local Notation "ptr .next" := (ptr +ₗ #offset_next)%E
(at level 8, format "ptr .next") : expr_scope.
Local Notation "ptr .prev" := (ptr +ₗ #offset_prev)%E
(at level 8, format "ptr .prev") : expr_scope.
Local Notation "ptr .val" := (Loc.add ptr offset_val)
(at level 8, format "ptr .val"): stdpp_scope.
Local Notation "ptr .next" := (Loc.add ptr offset_next)
(at level 8, format "ptr .next"): stdpp_scope.
Local Notation "ptr .prev" := (Loc.add ptr offset_prev)
(at level 8, format "ptr .prev"): stdpp_scope.
(* Operations on circular doubly-linked lists in HeapLang. *)
Definition new_clist: val := λ: "_", ref NONE.
Definition insert: val := λ: "val" "clist",
let: "new" := AllocN #3 "val" in
let: "opt_curr" := !"clist" in
"clist" <- SOME "new" ;;
match: "opt_curr" with
"new".next <- "new" ;;
"new".prev <- "new"
| SOME "curr" =>
let: "prev" := !"curr".prev in
"prev".next <- "new" ;;
"curr".prev <- "new" ;;
"new".next <- "curr" ;;
"new".prev <- "prev"
Definition delete: val := λ: "clist",
match: !"clist" with
| SOME "curr" =>
let: "val" := !"curr".val in
let: "next" := !"curr".next in
let: "prev" := !"curr".prev in
array_free "curr" #3 ;;
if: "next" = "curr"
then ("clist" <- NONE ;; SOME "val")
else (
"clist" <- SOME "next" ;;
"next".prev <- "prev" ;;
"prev".next <- "next" ;;
SOME "val"
Definition append: val := λ: "clist_xs" "clist_ys",
match: !"clist_ys" with
NONE => #()
| SOME "curr_ys" =>
"clist_ys" <- NONE ;;
match: !"clist_xs" with
NONE => "clist_xs" <- SOME "curr_ys"
| SOME "curr_xs" =>
let: "prev_xs" := !"curr_xs".prev in
let: "prev_ys" := !"curr_ys".prev in
"prev_xs".next <- "curr_ys" ;;
"curr_ys".prev <- "prev_xs" ;;
"prev_ys".next <- "curr_xs" ;;
"curr_xs".prev <- "prev_ys"
Definition next: val := λ: "clist",
match: !"clist" with
NONE => #()
| SOME "curr" => "clist" <- SOME (!"curr".next)
Definition prev: val := λ: "clist",
match: !"clist" with
NONE => #()
| SOME "curr" => "clist" <- SOME (!"curr".prev)
Definition fold_aux: val :=
rec: "fold" "f" "acc" "ptr" "stop" :=
if: "ptr" = "stop"
then "acc"
else "fold" "f" ("f" "acc" (!"ptr".val)) (!"ptr".next) "stop".
Definition fold_clist: val := λ: "f" "acc" "clist",
match: !"clist" with
NONE => "acc"
| SOME "h" => fold_aux "f" ("f" "acc" (!"h".val)) (!"h".next) "h"
Section clist_spec.
Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
(* Predicate describing a segment of a doubly-linked list. *)
Fixpoint lseg (xs: list val) (h t: loc): iProp Σ :=
match xs with
| [] => ⌜h = t⌝
| x::xs =>
∃ (n: loc),
h.val ↦ x ∗ ↦ #n ∗
n.prev ↦ #h ∗
lseg xs n t
(* Predicate describing a cursor into a circular doubly-linked list. *)
Definition is_clist_aux (xs: list val) (opt_ptr: val): iProp Σ :=
⌜xs = []⌝ ∗ ⌜opt_ptr = NONEV⌝ ∨
⌜xs ≠ []⌝ ∗ ∃ (h: loc), ⌜opt_ptr = SOMEV #h⌝ ∗ lseg xs h h.
Definition is_clist (xs: list val) (l: loc): iProp Σ :=
∃ opt_ptr, l ↦ opt_ptr ∗ is_clist_aux xs opt_ptr.
(* Alternate segment predicate that: *)
(* - fixes heap locations instead of values. *)
(* - doesn't assert anything about values stored in the segment. *)
Fixpoint lseg_locs (ls: list loc) (h t: loc): iProp Σ :=
match ls with
| [] => ⌜h = t⌝
| l::ls =>
⌜h = l⌝ ∗
∃ (n: loc), ↦ #n ∗
n.prev ↦ #h ∗
lseg_locs ls n t
(* Separately specify values stored in a list of locations. *)
Fixpoint lseg_values (ls: list loc) (xs: list val): iProp Σ :=
match ls, xs with
| l::ls, x::xs => l.val ↦ x ∗ lseg_values ls xs
| [], [] => emp
| _, _ => False
(* Equivalence between the predicates. *)
Lemma lseg_locs_equiv xs h t:
lseg xs h t ⊣⊢ ∃ ls, lseg_locs ls h t ∗ lseg_values ls xs.
revert h; induction xs as [|x xs]; intros h; apply bi.equiv_entails_2; simpl.
- iIntros "->". by iExists [].
- iIntros "(%&?&?)". by destruct ls.
- iIntros "(%&?&?&?&Hseg)".
iDestruct (IHxs with "Hseg") as "(%&?&?)".
iExists (h::ls). by iFrame.
- iIntros "(%&Hlocs&Hvals)".
destruct ls as [|l ls]; try done; simpl.
iDestruct "Hlocs" as "(<-&%&?&?&Hlocs)".
iDestruct "Hvals" as "(?&Hvals)".
iDestruct (IHxs with "[$Hlocs $Hvals]") as "Hseg".
(* Example circular doubly-linked lists. *)
Example clist_empty clist:
is_clist [] clist
clist ↦ NONEV.
apply bi.equiv_entails_2.
- iIntros "(%&?&[[_ ->]|(%&%&?)])"; by iFrame.
- iIntros "?"; iFrame; by iLeft.
Example clist_one x clist:
is_clist [x] clist
∃ (p: loc),
clist ↦ SOMEV #p ∗
p.val ↦ x ∗ ↦ #p ∗ p.prev ↦ #p.
apply bi.equiv_entails_2.
- iIntros "(%&?&[[% _]|(_&%&->&%&?&?&?&->)])"; [done|iFrame].
- iIntros "(%&?&?&?&?)". iFrame. iRight. by iFrame.
Example clist_two x y clist:
is_clist [x;y] clist
∃ (p q: loc),
clist ↦ SOMEV #p ∗
p.val ↦ x ∗ ↦ #q ∗ p.prev ↦ #q ∗
q.val ↦ y ∗ ↦ #p ∗ q.prev ↦ #p.
apply bi.equiv_entails_2.
- iIntros "(%&?&[[% _]|(_&%p&->&%q&?&?&?&%&?&?&?&->)])"; first done.
iExists p, q; by iFrame.
- iIntros "(%&%&?&?&?&?&?&?&?)". iFrame. iRight. iSplitR; first done.
iExists p; by iFrame.
Example clist_three x y z clist:
is_clist [x;y;z] clist
∃ (p q r: loc),
clist ↦ SOMEV #p ∗
p.val ↦ x ∗ ↦ #q ∗ p.prev ↦ #r ∗
q.val ↦ y ∗ ↦ #r ∗ q.prev ↦ #p ∗
r.val ↦ z ∗ ↦ #p ∗ r.prev ↦ #q.
apply bi.equiv_entails_2.
- iIntros "(%&?&[[% _]|(_&%p&->&%q&?&?&?&%r&?&?&?&%&?&?&?&->)])"; first done.
iExists p, q, r; by iFrame.
- iIntros "(%&%&%&?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?)". iFrame. iRight. iSplitR; first done.
iExists p. by iFrame.
(* Miscellaneous lemmas. *)
Lemma list_cons_eq_snoc:
forall {T: Type} (x: T) (xs: list T), exists zs z, x :: xs = zs ++ [z].
intros T x xs; generalize dependent x; induction xs as [|y xs]; intros x.
- exists [], x; constructor.
- destruct (IHxs y) as (zs' & z' & Heq).
exists (x::zs'), z'. simpl. rewrite <- Heq. intuition.
Lemma sep_emp (P: iProp Σ):
P ∗ emp ⊣⊢ P.
apply bi.equiv_entails_2.
- iIntros "[? ?]"; iFrame.
- iIntros; iFrame.
Lemma maps_to_replicate_fields h v n p:
h ↦∗ [v;n;p] ⊣⊢ h.val ↦ v ∗ ↦ n ∗ h.prev ↦ p.
rewrite ?array_cons ?array_nil ?sep_emp.
replace (h ↦ v)%I with ((h.val) ↦ v)%I; [|by rewrite Loc.add_0];
replace ((h +ₗ 1) ↦ n)%I with (( ↦ n)%I; [|done];
replace ((h +ₗ 1 +ₗ 1) ↦ p)%I with ((h.prev) ↦ p)%I; [|by rewrite Loc.add_assoc].
apply bi.equiv_entails_2; iIntros "(?&?&?)"; iFrame.
(* We can split up segments of circular doubly-linked lists. *)
Lemma lseg_app xs ys h t:
lseg (xs ++ ys) h t ⊣⊢ ∃ (m: loc), lseg xs h m ∗ lseg ys m t.
revert h; induction xs as [|x xs]; intros h; simpl; apply bi.equiv_entails_2.
- iIntros; by iFrame.
- iIntros "(%&<-&H)"; by iFrame.
- iIntros "(%&?&?&?&Hseg)"; iDestruct (IHxs with "Hseg") as "(%&?&?)"; iFrame.
- iIntros "(%&(%&?&?&?&Hxs)&Hys)"; iDestruct (IHxs with "[Hxs Hys]") as "?"; iFrame.
Lemma lseg_locs_app ls ps h t:
lseg_locs (ls ++ ps) h t ⊣⊢ ∃ (m: loc), lseg_locs ls h m ∗ lseg_locs ps m t.
revert h; induction ls as [|l ls]; intros h; simpl; apply bi.equiv_entails_2.
- iIntros; by iFrame.
- iIntros "(%&<-&H)"; by iFrame.
- iIntros "(<-&(%&?&?&Hseg))". iDestruct (IHls with "Hseg") as "(%&?&?)". by iFrame.
- iIntros "(%&(<-&%&?&?&Hls)&Hps)". iDestruct (IHls with "[$Hls $Hps]") as "?". by iFrame.
(* Get access to the last node in a segment. *)
Lemma lseg_predecessor {xs} {h t: loc} (Hne: xs ≠ []):
lseg xs h t
∃ ys z p, ⌜xs = ys ++ [z]⌝ ∗ lseg ys h p ∗ p.val ↦ z ∗ ↦ #t ∗ t.prev ↦ #p.
destruct xs as [|xₕ xs]; first done; clear Hne.
rename xs into xs'; destruct (list_cons_eq_snoc xₕ xs') as (xs & xₜ & ->).
iIntros "Hseg"; iDestruct (lseg_app with "Hseg") as "(%p&?&(%&?&?&?&->))"; by iFrame.
(* Specifications for operations on circular doubly-linked lists. *)
Lemma new_clist_spec:
{{{ True }}}
new_clist #()
{{{ ptr, RET #ptr; is_clist [] ptr }}}.
iIntros (φ) "_ Hcont".
wp_rec. wp_alloc ptr as "Hptr".
iApply "Hcont".
iFrame. by iLeft.
Lemma insert_spec (x: val) (xs: list val) (clist: loc):
{{{ is_clist xs clist }}}
insert x #clist
{{{ RET #(); is_clist (x::xs) clist }}}.
iIntros (φ) "(%&?&Hclist) Hcont".
wp_rec; wp_alloc n as "Hn"; first done.
iDestruct (maps_to_replicate_fields with "Hn") as "(?&?&?)".
wp_load; wp_store.
iDestruct "Hclist" as "[[-> ->]|(%Hxs &%&->& Hseg)]".
- repeat wp_store. iApply "Hcont"; iModIntro. iFrame. iRight. by iFrame.
- iDestruct (lseg_predecessor Hxs with "Hseg") as "(%&%&%&->&?&?&?&?)".
wp_load. repeat wp_store. iApply "Hcont". iFrame. iRight; simpl. iFrame.
iModIntro. repeat (iSplitR; try done).
iApply lseg_app. by iFrame.
Lemma append_spec (xs ys: list val) (clist_xs clist_ys: loc):
{{{ is_clist xs clist_xs ∗ is_clist ys clist_ys }}}
append #clist_xs #clist_ys
{{{ RET #(); is_clist (xs ++ ys) clist_xs ∗ is_clist [] clist_ys }}}.
iIntros (φ) "[(%opt_ptr_xs&Hclist_xs&Hxs) (%opt_ptr_ys&Hclist_ys&Hys)] Hcont".
wp_rec; wp_load.
iDestruct "Hys" as "[[-> ->]|(%Hys_ne&%h_ys&->&Hys)]".
- wp_pures. iApply "Hcont"; iModIntro. rewrite app_nil_r. eauto with iFrame.
- wp_store; iAssert (is_clist (xs ++ ys) clist_xs -∗ φ #())%I with "[Hcont Hclist_ys]" as "Hcont";
first by iIntros "?"; iApply "Hcont"; eauto with iFrame.
wp_load. iDestruct "Hxs" as "[[-> ->]|(%Hxs_ne&%h_xs&->&Hxs)]".
+ wp_store. iApply "Hcont"; iModIntro; iFrame; iRight; by iFrame.
+ rename xs into xs'; iDestruct (lseg_predecessor Hxs_ne with "Hxs")
as "(%xs & %x & %p_xs & -> & Hxs & Hpv_xs & Hpn_xs & Hpp_xs)".
rename ys into ys'; iDestruct (lseg_predecessor Hys_ne with "Hys")
as "(%ys & %y & %p_ys & -> & Hys & Hpv_ys & Hpn_ys & Hpp_ys)".
repeat wp_load; repeat wp_store.
iApply "Hcont"; iModIntro; iFrame; iRight.
rewrite ?app_nil; repeat setoid_rewrite lseg_app.
iFrame. by iPureIntro; intuition.
Lemma free_node (h n p: loc) v:
{{{ h.val ↦ v ∗ ↦ #n ∗ h.prev ↦ #p }}}
array_free #h #3
{{{ RET #(); True }}}.
iIntros (φ) "(Hv&Hn&Hp) Hcont".
iAssert (h ↦∗ [v;#n;#p])%I with "[Hv Hn Hp]" as "H".
{ iApply maps_to_replicate_fields; iFrame. }
by iApply (wp_array_free with "H").
Definition delete_result (r: val) (xs: list val) (clist: loc): iProp Σ :=
match xs with
| [] => ⌜r = NONEV⌝ ∗ is_clist [] clist
| x::xs => ⌜r = SOMEV x⌝ ∗ is_clist xs clist
Lemma delete_spec (xs: list val) (clist: loc):
{{{ is_clist xs clist }}}
delete #clist
{{{ r, RET r; delete_result r xs clist }}}.
iIntros (φ) "(%&Hclist&[[-> ->]|(%Hxs&%&->&Hseg)]) Hcont";
wp_rec; wp_load; wp_pures.
- (* Case: The list is already empty, so there is nothing to do. *)
iApply "Hcont". iFrame. by iModIntro; iSplitR; [|iLeft].
- (* Case: The list is non-empty. *)
(* Extract the first node from the predicate so we can load from it. *)
destruct xs as [|x₀ xs]; first done; clear Hxs; simpl.
iDestruct "Hseg" as "(% & Hhv & Hhn & Hnp & Hseg)".
(* We need to read h.prev, but we don't yet have evidence that we own it. *)
(* There are two we can obtain this evidence, depending on whether xs is *)
(* empty. These cases also correspond to the two branches in the code. *)
destruct xs as [|x₁ xs].
+ (* Case: There is only one node. Use Hseg to establish that n = h, so we *)
(* can read h.prev under our current assumptions and take the first *)
(* branch. *)
iDestruct "Hseg" as "->".
repeat wp_load; wp_pures; wp_bind (array_free _ _).
iApply (free_node with "[Hhv Hhn Hnp]"); first by iFrame.
iNext; iIntros "_"; wp_pures.
rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2; try done.
wp_store; wp_pures; iApply "Hcont"; iModIntro; iSplitR; try done.
iFrame; by iLeft.
+ (* Case: There are two or more nodes. Use Hseg to extract the previous *)
(* node, which must be distinct from h, and also establish that *)
(* n ≠ h to take the second branch. *)
iDestruct (lseg_predecessor with "Hseg")
as "(%&%&%&->&Hseg&Hpv&Hpn&Hhp)"; first done.
(* Record that next and current are distinct before we free current. *)
destruct (decide (n = h)) as [->|Hne];
first by iCombine "Hhp Hnp" gives "[% _]".
(* Free the current node. *)
repeat wp_load; wp_pures; wp_bind (array_free _ _).
iApply (free_node with "[Hhv Hhn Hhp]"); first by iFrame.
iNext; iIntros "_"; wp_pures.
(* Now use the knowledge that n ≠ h to take the second branch. *)
rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2; [|intros [=]; done].
(* Finish. *)
repeat wp_store; wp_pures; iApply "Hcont"; iModIntro; iSplitR; try done.
iFrame; iRight; iSplitR; first by destruct ys.
iExists _; iSplitR; first done.
rewrite lseg_app; by iFrame.
Definition rotate {T} (xs: list T): list T :=
match xs with
| [] => []
| x::xs => xs ++ [x]
Lemma next_spec (xs: list val) (clist: loc):
{{{ is_clist xs clist }}}
next #clist
{{{ RET #(); is_clist (rotate xs) clist }}}.
iIntros (φ) "(%&Hclist&[[-> ->]|(%Hxs&%&->&Hseg)]) Hcont";
wp_rec; wp_load; wp_pures.
- iApply "Hcont"; iFrame; by iLeft.
- destruct xs as [|x xs]; first done; clear Hxs; simpl.
iDestruct "Hseg" as "(%&Hhv&Hhn&Hnp&Hseg)".
wp_load; wp_store; iApply "Hcont"; iModIntro.
iFrame; iRight; iSplitR; first by destruct xs.
iExists _; iSplitR; first done.
rewrite lseg_app; by iFrame.
Lemma prev_spec (xs: list val) (clist: loc):
{{{ is_clist xs clist }}}
prev #clist
{{{ RET #(); ∃ ys, ⌜xs = rotate ys⌝ ∗ is_clist ys clist }}}.
iIntros (φ) "(%&Hclist&[[-> ->]|(%Hxs&%&->&Hseg)]) Hcont";
wp_rec; wp_load; wp_pures.
- iApply "Hcont"; iModIntro; iExists []; iSplitR; first done; iFrame; by iLeft.
- iDestruct (lseg_predecessor Hxs with "Hseg") as "(%&%&%&->&Hseg&Hpv&Hpn&Hhp)".
wp_load; wp_store; iApply "Hcont"; iModIntro.
iExists (z::ys); iSplitR; first done; iFrame; iRight; iSplitR; first done.
by iFrame.
Lemma fold_aux_spec (ls: list loc) (i xs: list val) (f acc: val) (ptr stop: loc)
(P: val → iProp Σ) (I: val → list val → iProp Σ):
{{{ lseg_locs ls ptr stop ∗
⌜stop ∉ ls⌝ ∗
lseg_values ls xs ∗
I acc i ∗
([∗ list] y ∈ xs, P y) ∗
(∀ a y ys, {{{ I a ys ∗ P y }}} f a y {{{ r, RET r; I r (ys ++ [y]) }}})
fold_aux f acc #ptr #stop
{{{ acc, RET acc;
lseg_locs ls ptr stop ∗
lseg_values ls xs ∗
I acc (i ++ xs)
iIntros (φ) "(Hlocs & %Hstop & Hvals & HI & HPxs & #Hf) Hcont".
iInduction ls as [|l ls] "IH" forall (ptr acc xs i);
destruct xs as [|x xs]; try done; simpl.
- iDestruct "Hlocs" as "->".
wp_rec. wp_pures.
rewrite app_nil_r bool_decide_eq_true_2; [|done]; wp_pures.
iApply "Hcont". by iFrame.
- iDestruct "Hlocs" as "(->&%&Hln&Hnp&Hlocs)".
iDestruct "Hvals" as "(Hlv&Hvals)".
iDestruct "HPxs" as "(HPx&HPxs)".
apply not_elem_of_cons in Hstop; destruct Hstop as [Hstop_l Hstop].
wp_rec. wp_pures.
rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2; [|intros [=]; done]; wp_pures.
wp_load. wp_load. wp_bind (f _ _).
iApply ("Hf" with "[$HI $HPx]"); clear acc; iNext; iIntros "%acc HI".
iApply ("IH" $! Hstop with "Hlocs Hvals HI HPxs"); clear acc.
rewrite -app_assoc; simpl.
iNext; iIntros "%acc (Hlocs&Hvals&Hi)".
iApply "Hcont".
by iFrame.
Lemma fold_spec (xs: list val) (f acc: val) (clist: loc)
(P: val → iProp Σ) (I: val → list val → iProp Σ):
{{{ is_clist xs clist ∗
I acc [] ∗
([∗ list] y ∈ xs, P y) ∗
(∀ a y ys, {{{ I a ys ∗ P y }}} f a y {{{ r, RET r; I r (ys ++ [y]) }}})
fold_clist f acc #clist
{{{ acc, RET acc; is_clist xs clist ∗ I acc xs }}}.
iIntros (φ) "((%&Hclist&[[-> ->]|(%Hxs&%&->&Hseg)]) & HI & HPxs & #Hf) Hcont";
wp_rec; wp_load; wp_pures.
- iApply "Hcont". iFrame. by iLeft.
- destruct xs as [|x xs]; first done; clear Hxs; simpl.
iDestruct "Hseg" as "(%&Hhv&Hhn&Hnp&Hseg)".
iDestruct "HPxs" as "[HPx HPxs]".
iDestruct (lseg_locs_equiv with "Hseg") as "(%&Hlocs&Hvals)".
wp_load. wp_load. wp_bind (f _ _).
iApply ("Hf" with "[$HI $HPx]"); clear acc; simpl.
iNext; iIntros "%acc HI".
destruct (decide (h ∈ ls)) as [Hls|Hls]. {
apply elem_of_list_split in Hls; destruct Hls as (ls1 & ls2 & ->).
iDestruct (lseg_locs_app with "Hlocs") as "(%&Hls1&Hls2)"; simpl.
iDestruct "Hls2" as "(->&%p&Hhn_dup&Hpp&Hls2)".
by iCombine "Hhn Hhn_dup" gives "[% _]".
iApply (fold_aux_spec ls [x] xs f _ _ _ P I with "[$Hlocs $Hvals $HI $HPxs]").
{ iSplitR; done. }
clear acc; iNext; iIntros "%acc (Hlocs & Hvals & HI)"; simpl.
iApply "Hcont". iFrame. iRight; iSplitR; first done. iExists _; iSplitR; first done.
simpl; iFrame. iApply lseg_locs_equiv; iFrame.
End clist_spec.
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