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Last active December 1, 2016 04:21
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theory Scratch imports Main begin
locale Magma =
fixes m :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"
locale SemiGroup = Magma +
assumes assoc: "\<And>x y z. m (m x y) z = m x (m y z)"
locale Commutative = Magma +
assumes comm: "\<And>x y. m x y = m y x"
locale Monoid = SemiGroup +
fixes e :: "'a"
assumes lunit: "\<And>x. m e x = x"
assumes runit: "\<And>x. m x e = x"
locale Group = Monoid +
fixes i :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"
assumes linv: "\<And>x. m (i x) x = e"
assumes rinv: "\<And>x. m x (i x) = e"
locale AbelianGroup = Commutative + Group
locale BooleanGroup = Monoid +
assumes selfi: "\<And>x. m x x = e"
context BooleanGroup begin
sublocale Commutative
fix x y
have "m (m y x) (m y x) = e"
by (rule selfi)
hence "m y (m (m (m y x) (m y x)) x) = m y x"
by (simp add: lunit)
hence "m (m y y) (m (m x y) (m x x)) = m y x"
by (simp add: assoc)
thus "m x y = m y x"
by (simp add: selfi lunit runit)
sublocale AbelianGroup _ _ id
unfolding id_def by unfold_locales (rule selfi)+
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