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Last active May 9, 2016 20:14
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#!/bin/bash -e
# This will download files or set the hosts file to defaults.
set -e # exit on command errors (so you MUST handle exit codes properly!)
set -o pipefail # capture fail exit codes in piped commands
#set -x # execution tracing debug messages
# get switches
for i in "$@"
case $i in
shift # past argument with no value
shift # past argument with no value
# unknown option
# allow hosts to be downloaded
if [ "$ENABLED" = true ]; then
# Hosts array this needs to be in text format. open any link for an example of hosts files online. that need to match that format
declare -a arr=(
# creating necessary files
touch /tmp/test_merge_adblock.txt
echo -e "# this file was generated at $(date) using the following host files:" > /tmp/hosts_complete
# now loop through the above array
for i in "${arr[@]}"
echo -e "downloading source host: $i"
TEMP_TXT_NAME=$(printf "$i" | sha256sum | sed 's/\ //g' | sed 's/\-//g') # this creates a unique name for the file so it is almost impossible to run into conflicts.
(curl "$i" > /tmp/"$TEMP_TXT_NAME"_adblock.txt) >/dev/null 2>&1 # downloading the sources from above with unique name
(sed -i 's/\r//' /tmp/"$TEMP_TXT_NAME"_adblock.txt) # converting proper line endings
cat /tmp/"$TEMP_TXT_NAME"_adblock.txt >> /tmp/test_merge_adblock.txt # merging into a common file
echo -e "# $i" >> /tmp/hosts_complete # adding source host url to completed host file for clerical purposes
echo -e "all hosts downloaded"
# removing comments from the file using sed. This is due to many hosts files have many comments in them.
(sed '/^#/ d' /tmp/test_merge_adblock.txt > /tmp/test_tmp_merge_adblock.txt) >/dev/null 2>&1
mv -f /tmp/test_tmp_merge_adblock.txt /tmp/test_merge_adblock.txt
# now we remove duplicate lines this includes empty lines
awk '!seen[$0]++' /tmp/test_merge_adblock.txt >> /tmp/hosts_complete
# since the file is done, now we can move it to its proper place
sudo mv /tmp/hosts_complete /etc/hosts
# Setting the file to its original ownership in case this script was not run with sudo.
sudo chown root:root /etc/hosts
# clean up
rm -rf /tmp/*_adblock.txt
rm -rf /tmp/hosts_complete
echo -e "all hosts merged"
elif [ "$DISABLED" = true ]; then # reset the file to stock.
sudo rm -rf /etc/hosts
echo -e "resetting hosts file to stock"
echo -e "#
# /etc/hosts: static lookup table for host names
#<ip-address> <> <hostname> localhost.localdomain localhost
::1 localhost.localdomain localhost
# End of file" > /tmp/hosts_complete
sudo mv /tmp/hosts_complete /etc/hosts
sudo chown root:root /etc/hosts
rm -rf /tmp/hosts_complete
echo -e "reset complete"
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