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Last active July 6, 2020 09:53
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python rock-scissors-paper game
import random
game = ["rock", "scissors", "paper"]
human_val = False
print("enter rock, scissors or paper")
while human_val == False:
human_val = input()
computer_val = random.choice(game)
print(f"πŸ’» computer: {computer_val}")
# check if valid
if human_val not in game:
print("please type rock, scissors or paper correctly\n")
if human_val == computer_val:
# rock
elif human_val == "rock":
if computer_val == "scissors":
print("πŸŽ‰ you win!\n")
elif computer_val == "paper":
print("πŸŽ‰ computer wins!\n")
# scissors
elif human_val == "scissors":
if computer_val == "rock":
print("πŸŽ‰ computer wins!\n")
elif computer_val == "paper":
print("πŸŽ‰ you win!\n")
# paper
elif human_val == "paper":
if computer_val == "rock":
print("πŸŽ‰ you win!\n")
elif computer_val == "scissors":
print("πŸŽ‰ computer wins!\n")
human_val = False
computer_val = random.choice(game)
print("enter rock, scissors or paper")
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