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Created April 11, 2012 14:37
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11th level half-elf warlock
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Lucàn, level 11
Half-Elf, Warlock (Binder), Master Binder
Pact: Gloom Pact (Binder)
Half-Elf Power Selection Option: Knack for Success
Inherent Bonuses
Birth - Omen (+2 to Arcana)
STR 12, CON 13, DEX 15, INT 17, WIS 11, CHA 21
STR 11, CON 10, DEX 14, INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 16
AC: 23 Fort: 18 Ref: 21 Will: 23
HP: 75 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 18
Arcana +15, Bluff +15, Intimidate +15, Stealth +12, Streetwise +15
Acrobatics +7, Athletics +6, Diplomacy +12, Dungeoneering +5, Endurance +6, Heal +5, History +8, Insight +7, Nature +5, Perception +9, Religion +8, Thievery +7
Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Half-Elf Racial Power: Knack for Success
Warlock Utility: Shadow Warp
Warlock Attack 1: Web of Shadows
Warlock Attack 1: Hound of Dark Omen
Warlock Attack 1: Echoing Dirge
Warlock Attack 1: Shadow Claws
Warlock Utility 2: Spectral Fade
Warlock Attack 3: Ebon Claws
Warlock Attack 5: Shard of Darkness
Warlock Utility 6: Walk Through Darkness
Warlock Attack 7: Pall of Darkness
Warlock Attack 9: Summon Warlock's Ally
Warlock Utility 10: Shadow Armor
Master Binder Attack 11: Tide of Night
Level 1: Distant Advantage
Level 2: Ghost Scorpion Strike
Level 4: Blindfighting Sentinel
Level 6: Implement Expertise (Rod)
Level 8: Ritual Caster
Level 10: Skill Training (Stealth)
Level 11: Arcane Familiar
Adventurer's Kit
Magic Leather Armor +3 x1
Crystal Ball (heroic tier)
Rod of Dark Reward +3 x1
Screaming Scarecrow
Spiderweb Dream Net
Writing case
Ghoul Candle
Blessed Soil
Map case
Wood building
Doctrinal book
Raven's Feather
Hidden item compartment
Ritual Book
Speak with Dead
Decipher Script
Raise Dead
Linked Portal
Shadow Passage
Hand crossbow x1
Crossbow Bolt
Brew Potion
Arcane Lock
====== End ======
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