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Created September 29, 2015 17:47
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Implement a function, routine or method (and the support code you might need) that simulates 6 tosses of 3 coins
each and outputs a string according to the Value Rules below.
Value Rules
a) Tails has a value of 2, and heads a value of 3.
b) Getthetotalvalueofthethreecoinspertoss.
c) Compose a string with these values in reverse order, from toss 6 to 1. Example output: “767777”
val r = scala.util.Random
val tosses = (1 to 3)> (1 to 6).map(j=> if(r.nextInt(2)==0) (s"Coin $i","Heads") else (s"Coin $i","Tails")))
val zipped =tosses(0) zip tosses(1) zip tosses(2)
val getValue =(str:String)=> {if (str=="Heads") 3 else 2}
val values= => getValue(toss._1._1._2)+getValue(toss._1._2._2)+getValue(toss._2._2))
println (values.reverse.mkString(""))
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