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Last active January 31, 2022 08:59
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helm ls #list releases
helm test #run tests
#installs a release from a remote repo or local folder, in <namespace> and with extra configuration values values.yaml
#helm install <release> <chart_name|local folder> -n <namespace> -f <file_location>
helm install elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch -n elasticsearch-poc -f ./values.yaml
helm install nginx nginx # the first nginx is the name of the release, the second one is the name of the folder
helm delete <release> #delete a release.
helm delete elasticsearch
#renders charts templates locally
helm template <release> <chart> [flags]
helm template elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch -n elasticsearch-poc -f ./values.yaml
#installs or upgrades a release to a new version of a chart
helm upgrade <release> <chart> [flags]
# with the install flag, if a release by this name doesn't exist, runs an install
helm upgrade --install [--force] my-poc ./my-poc -f ./my-poc/values.yaml -f ./my-poc/override-poc.yaml --namespace elasticsearch-poc --set env=test,version=es_playground
#rollingback helm releases
helm rollback <release> <revision> [flags]
helm rollback postgresql 1
#linting: takes a path to a chart and runs a series of tests to verify that the chart is well-formed
#helm lint <path>
helm lint nginx
#Diff plugin
helm plugin install
#helm diff upgrade: This fetches the currently deployed version of a release and compares it to a chart plus values.
This can be used visualize what changes a helm upgrade will perform.
helm diff upgrade nginx nginx #second nginx refers to where the chart is located
#helm diff rollback <release> <version number>: This command compares the latest manifest details of a named release
# with specific revision values to rollback
helm diff rollback nginx 1
#Another useful plugin
helm plugin install
#validates Helm charts against Kubernetes schemas.
#This plugin is a good addition to the helm lint command, and the combination of
#both gives you nice tooling to check charts with.
helm kubeval nginx
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