package slinkyIntro |
import slinky.core._ |
import slinky.core.annotations.react |
import slinky.core.facade.ReactElement |
import slinky.core.facade.Hooks.useState |
import slinky.web.html._ |
import scala.scalajs.js |
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSImport, ScalaJSDefined} |
@JSImport("resources/App.css", JSImport.Default) |
@js.native |
object AppCSS extends js.Object |
@JSImport("resources/logo.svg", JSImport.Default) |
@js.native |
object ReactLogo extends js.Object |
@react object Square { |
case class Props(value: String, isHighlighted: Boolean, onClick: () => Unit) |
val component: FunctionalComponent[Props] = FunctionalComponent[Props] { props => |
button( |
className := (if (props.isHighlighted) "highlighted " else "square"), |
onClick := props.onClick |
)({ |
props.value |
}) |
} |
} |
@react object Board { |
case class Props(squares: Array[String], highlights: Array[Boolean], onClick: Int => Unit) |
val component: FunctionalComponent[Props] = FunctionalComponent[Props] { props => |
def renderSquare(i: Int): ReactElement = Square(props.squares(i), isHighlighted = props.highlights(i), () => props.onClick(i)) |
val grid = for { |
y <- 0 until 3 |
} yield div(className := "board-row")(for { |
x <- 0 until 3 |
} yield renderSquare(x + y * 3)) |
div()(grid) |
} |
} |
object Game { |
def apply(): ReactElement = component() |
val component: FunctionalComponent[Unit] = FunctionalComponent[Unit] { _ => |
val (history, updateHistory) = useState(Array(Array.fill(9)(""))) |
val (stepNumber, updateStepNumber) = useState(0) |
val (isAscending, updateIsAscending) = useState(true) |
val (xIsNext, updateXIsNext) = useState(true) |
def calculateWinningLine(squares: Array[String]): Option[List[Int]] = { |
val lines: List[List[Int]] = List( |
List(0, 1, 2), |
List(3, 4, 5), |
List(6, 7, 8), |
List(0, 3, 6), |
List(1, 4, 7), |
List(2, 5, 8), |
List(0, 4, 8), |
List(2, 4, 6), |
) |
lines.find({ |
case a :: b :: c :: Nil => squares(a) != "" && squares(a) == squares(b) && squares(b) == squares(c) |
case _ => throw new Error |
}) |
} |
def getValue(condition: Boolean): String = if (condition) "X" else "O" |
def handleClick(i: Int): Unit = { |
val historyToStep = history.take(stepNumber + 1) |
val current = historyToStep.last |
val squares: Array[String] = Array(current: _*) |
if (squares(i) == "" && calculateWinningLine(squares).isEmpty) { |
squares(i) = getValue(xIsNext) |
updateHistory(historyToStep :+ squares) |
updateStepNumber(historyToStep.length) |
updateXIsNext(!xIsNext) |
} |
} |
def jumpTo(step: Int): Unit = { |
updateStepNumber(step) |
updateXIsNext((step % 2) == 0) |
} |
val current = history(stepNumber) |
val highlights = Array.fill(9)(false) |
val status = calculateWinningLine(current) match { |
case Some(line) => |
line.foreach(highlights(_) = true) |
"Winner: " + getValue(!xIsNext) |
case None if stepNumber < 9 => "Next player: " + getValue(xIsNext) |
case _ => "It's a draw" |
} |
def getMove(index: Int): Int = (0 until 9).find(m => history(index)(m) != history(index - 1)(m)).get |
def toCoords(move: Int): (Int, Int) = { |
val x = move % 3 |
(x, (move - x) / 3) |
} |
val moves = history.indices.map(index => { |
val desc = |
if (index == 0) "Go to game start" |
else "Go to move #" + index + " (" + toCoords(getMove(index)) + ")" |
li(key := index.toString)( |
button( |
className := (if (index == stepNumber) "bold-button" else ""), |
onClick := { _ => jumpTo(index) } |
)({ |
desc |
}) |
) |
}) |
val orderButton = button(onClick := { _ => |
updateIsAscending(!isAscending) |
})("Toggle order") |
div(className := "game")( |
div(className := "game-board")(Board(current, highlights, handleClick)), |
div(className := "game-info")( |
div(className := "status")(status), |
orderButton, |
ol(if (isAscending) moves else moves.reverse) |
) |
) |
} |
} |
object App { |
def apply(): ReactElement = component() |
private val css = AppCSS |
val component: FunctionalComponent[Unit] = FunctionalComponent[Unit] { _ => |
div(className := "App")( |
header(className := "App-header")( |
img(src := ReactLogo.asInstanceOf[String], className := "App-logo", alt := "logo"), |
h1(className := "App-title")("Welcome to React (with Scala.js!)") |
), |
p(className := "App-intro")( |
b("Slinky"), |
" version of the official ", |
a(href := "https://reactjs.org/tutorial/tutorial.html")( |
b("React"), |
"'s ", |
i("learn by doing"), |
" practical tutorial" |
), |
". To modify it, edit ", code("App.scala"), " and save to reload." |
), |
Game() |
) |
} |
} |