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How to fix Apple Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard (Windows 10)

The driver situation with Apple Bluetooth wireless keyboards and Windows 10 is horrible, even with the latest BootCamp drivers. Fortunately, a workaround is available, if you're patient.

Pair keyboard once

  1. Turn on the keyboard.
  2. Press and hold Command + w until the keyboard light begins blinking, indicating the keyboard is ready to pair.
  3. Use Windows Bluetooth settings to pair the keyboard, entering the same code (e.g. 123456 Enter) on both internal and external keyboards.

Pairing the keyboard is very trial and error. 9/10 times, Windows will complain that the keyboard is not available for pairing. Just keep trying.

Finally, once the keyboard does pair, Windows will complain with a status Driver error.

Uninstall Apple keyboard driver

  1. Launch Device Manager, such as from the Start menu.
  2. Identify the offending device, marked by a yellow warning triangle.
  3. Remove the device and uninstall the driver.
  4. Reboot.

Pair keyboard again

Unpair and re-pair the keyboard, will probably take 20 more attempts.

Verify keyboard connectivity

Once the keyboard has paired, after uninstalling the keyboard driver, you can check whether the keyboard is finally fully connected, by pressing the Command (Start) button, etc.

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Hi everyone -- Just wanted to confirm that these instructions actually do work. Inexplicably. As the OP says, you have to keep going through the same process multiple times, and Windows keeps refusing to see the keyboard. Then, suddenly, it will start to behave. In my instance, it did not throw any driver errors once connected. This might be because I recently ran a batch of Windows system updates.

Two things for people to know. These are mentioned in the instructions, but they bear repeating. #1. You need to type the PIN on both keyboards. First, enter a PIN into the wired keyboard. Then, enter the PIn into your wireless keyboard. Be prepared for it not to connect, but don't give up. #2. The PIN can be anything you want. At first, I was trying 12345678, but then I shortened it to a six digit number. Can't believe it actually worked! Thank you!

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just got that situation with windows bluetooth not being able to give me back my pin numbers from scratch. BTW the both "internal external keyboard" mentionned above is actually doing or typing "the fictive passcode" with both keyboards mac AND the pc keyboard many times yes then it is going to work. The mac keyboard is waiting for you to do so. Thanks a lot for all theses anwsers!

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After trying 15 times in vain, here is the method that worked for me (source)

  1. Go to "Add Bluetooth or other device"
  2. Find the wireless keyboard and hit connect.
  3. When prompted for a pin, enter anything on the screen, I used "123123". I dont know what else will work.
  4. HIT 'Connect' and IMMEDIATELY enter '123123'+ENTER on the wireless apple keyboard, and you should be paired. '
  5. If you have issues, turn off bluetooth and restart the wireless keyboard and repeat the process.

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@pandyarohan - thank you so much. Have wasted 2 hours today searching various sites, removing batteries, pressing cmd W, etc - no luck . Then your solution worked 1st time:-)

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@pandyarohan - God bless you, thank you so much man, solved my issue, gold medal for today !

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Sikklik commented Apr 6, 2019

Thank you so much, i have been trying to do this for a very long time.

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To make a clarification on above,

When you see keyboard from windows,

  1. Click keyboard and connect
  2. It asks you to put PIN - type 123123 and connect
  3. Windows tries to pair with keyboard....
  4. Type 123123 and hit return on your apple keyboard
  5. Done

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@pandyarohan Just would like to give you a thanks! It works for me as well.

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farrotpod commented Feb 26, 2020

@pandyarohan - you legend. After weeks of not being able to use my main PC - you have saved me from having to ditch my Apple Wireless Keyboard and buying a new keyboard.

Just to add - if you don't have a wired keyboard to hand for you to enter a PIN when prompted to do so in the bluetooth set-up - the on-screen keyboard can be accessed via 'ease of access' tab on the bottom right of the login screen after boot-up and then used to type in the PIN.

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ghost commented Apr 29, 2020

(West Cork Ireland 29th April 2020) I WANT TO THANK PEOPLE FOR THE SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS. My difficulty with my Apple Bluetooth Keyboard connecting to my Windows 10 computer started yesterday. By this morning I was almost depressed at my difficulty. I worried for a while that the suggestion to try again and again was nonsense. On about 3 occasions I gave up. But then I tired one more time and altered my practice in line with a suggestion above. I entered the code 123123 on the computer and pressed connected BEFORE entering the code 123123 on the keyboard and pressing enter and suddenly it worked. It was like magic. So in those circumstances I felt I had to thank people for their suggestions and to - as it were - try to give hope to people not to give up. Because if you like me find the feel of the Apple keyboard very pleasant to use, you do not want to give it up lightly.

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Thank you for posting this!!!!

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To make a clarification on above,

When you see keyboard from windows,

  1. Click keyboard and connect
  2. It asks you to put PIN - type 123123 and connect
  3. Windows tries to pair with keyboard....
  4. Type 123123 and hit return on your apple keyboard
  5. Done

123123 didn't work for me so I tried 000000 and then it worked finally.

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@pandyarohan You deserve praise for clarifying this procedure! Thanks man, I was going insane trying to get that beloved keyboard to work!

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This solution didn't work out for me, but I found another one which let me finally connect my keyboard and more importantly I connected from the first time. Here's the link.
Hope, it'll help you.

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awesome this worked for me too many thanks folks I was giving up on this great keyboard
When you see keyboard from windows,

Click keyboard and connect
It asks you to put PIN - type 123123 and connect
Windows tries to pair with keyboard....
Type 123123 and hit return on your apple keyboard
123123 didn't work for me so I tried 000000 and then it worked finally.

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elvq commented Nov 22, 2020

Thanks so much for this man. I am writing this from my 13-year-!old-wireless Mac keyboard. , connected to my PC. Kudos on finding this!!

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I really appreciate all of the contributions, in this thread...thank you! I have Windows 10 Nov/2020 installed on my Surface Pro 3, and the 2012 version of Apple Bluetooth keyboard. Connecting the two, gave me grief for three days. Finally, after trying all of the above suggestions, and even by combining a couple of them... I got the pairing to complete and work! Patience and repetition is the only thing that kept me going. Thank you guys!

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@pandyarohan Just would like to give you a thanks! It works for me as well. Lost hours looking for a solution.

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The solution by @otabekan is the QUICKEST and most fastest method. I'd been trying out the solution by the OP for HOURS but the mentioned solution did it in only one try.
(Typing from a cool Apple Wireless Keyboard found in the scrap market)

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Couldn't connect for hours and tried this method. Worked first time. Thank You!!

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Works for me. Remember to unpair and remove the wireless keyboard on the Macintosh side, before attempting to pair on the windows side.

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Has anyone been able to get the fn key working under Windows 10?

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LennyLip commented Oct 14, 2021

Has anyone been able to get the fn key working under Windows 10?

@thetoxicnerve I can't install drivers from BC6 for the wireless keyboard (A2450) too. Did you resolve the issue?

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