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Created August 30, 2017 20:27
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type Dispatcher struct {
// A pool of workers channels that are registered with the dispatcher
WorkerPool chan chan Job
func NewDispatcher(maxWorkers int) *Dispatcher {
pool := make(chan chan Job, maxWorkers)
return &Dispatcher{WorkerPool: pool}
func (d *Dispatcher) Run() {
// starting n number of workers
for i := 0; i < d.maxWorkers; i++ {
worker := NewWorker(d.pool)
go d.dispatch()
func (d *Dispatcher) dispatch() {
for {
select {
case job := <-JobQueue:
// a job request has been received
go func(job Job) {
// try to obtain a worker job channel that is available.
// this will block until a worker is idle
jobChannel := <-d.WorkerPool
// dispatch the job to the worker job channel
jobChannel <- job
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Hi where can i get the main

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